Sail and Serve

Sail and Serve

Sail and Serve

9:30 am – 10:00 am
Arrival and Registration
10:00 am – 12:00 PM
• Sailing Experience (on boat)
1. Dinghy Taster
2. Safety Boat Taster
3. Limitless Experience
• Physiotherapy education and exercise booth (on land)
• Other fun carnival activities (on land)
12:00 pm – 14:00 pm
Lunch (on your own and can be purchased at the restaurant on site)
12:00 pm – 14:00 pm
• Sailing Experience (on boat)
1. Dinghy Taster
2. Safety Boat Taster
3. Limitless Experience
• Physiotherapy education and exercise booth (on land)
• Other fun carnival activities (on land)
12:00 pm – 14:00 pm
Souvenir Presentation & Group Photo