7 Lectures and tutorials for postgraduate programme courses

Taught Postgraduate Students Policies and Guidelines Taught Postgraduate Programmes Student Handbook 7 Lectures and tutorials for postgraduate programme courses
7 Lectures and tutorials for postgraduate programme courses
Postgraduate courses are normally delivered on weekday evenings and at weekends on campus, in the form of lectures and tutorials by the Course Coordinator or other University staff members. Some classes may be held during daytime on weekdays. Details of the contact hours are specified in the Course Outline. You can contact your Programme Leader for general and programme-specific matters and your Course Coordinator for course-specific matters.

Before the term commences, you can visit MyOUHK via the OUHK website (Current Students) under the section on 'Class Schedule' to check the confirmed class schedule. Students should only attend classes of their groups. Class schedule for practical laboratory sessions, if any, will be provided by your school separately. As the timetable may change during your course of study, you should refer to the most up-to-date timetable when attending classes, if any.









Modified Date: Jun 24, 2019