Recognition of Prior Studies

授課式研究生 學分承認 Recognition of Prior Studies

Recognition of Prior Studies

The University recognizes students' prior study attainments for credit transfer. Credits may be transferred to the University in the following manner:

  • Admission through Entry Pathways
  • Applying for Advanced Standing

What is Advanced Standing?

Advanced Standing (also known as credit transfer) deals with the recognition of prior learning achievements.

Credit transfer opportunities are available for students who have completed tertiary-level studies elsewhere. Successful advanced standing applicants will be awarded transfer credits for their previous academic attainments. These transfer credits may be counted towards the requirements for an award. In this way, the time required for the completion of a programme may be shortened.

Advanced standing is available for most taught postgraduate programmes, with the exception of some programmes which do not allow advanced standing. Please refer to Section F of Appendix 1 of the Guide to Application for Advanced Standing for details.

Types of Credit Transfer

There are two types of credit transfer available for taught postgraduate programmes, namely, Specific Credit Transfer (SCT) and Block Credit Transfer (BCT). Each type of transfer credits has its specific use in counting towards programme requirements.

Specific Credit Transfer (SCT)

  • Transfer credits awarded by means of Specific Credit Transfer are known as SCT credits.
  • SCT deals with course exemption. SCT credits are awarded towards a particular course specified in the requirements of a programme.  Students awarded SCT credits towards a University course are exempted from taking that particular course. In short, this is course-to-course exemption.
  • Applicants are required to nominate one or more courses from (a) previous qualification(s) in applying for SCT towards a University course.
  • Award for SCT credits is primarily based on syllabus match. The course(s) nominated by an applicant in the application must exhibit a very high degree of syllabus match (at least two-thirds match is required) with the University’s course in respect of which SCT is sought in contents and level. Moreover, each SCT application is considered on case by case. All related factors such as course results will be taken into account in considering an application.


  • You should not register for a course in respect of which SCT application is made.
  • SCT application will not be accepted if an applicant has already enrolled in that particular course.

Block Credit Transfer (BCT)

  • Transfer credits awarded by means of Block Credit Transfer are known as BCT credits.
  • BCT credits are unspecified credits which may be counted towards the credit requirements of a programme. In an award of BCT credits, the successful applicant is also assigned a list of top-up courses. The applicant must complete all top-up courses assigned in the top-up list in order to use the awarded BCT credits for graduation.
  • The number of top-up credits required to study is less than the normal requirements of a programme.
  • An applicant is required to nominate one complete qualification in applying for Block Credit Transfer.
  • The number of BCT credits awarded depends on the TCV of the qualification used in a Block Credit Transfer application.
  • The number of top-up credits assigned depends on the relevancy between the applicant's prior qualification used in the BCT application and the University programme to be pursued. The more relevance between the two, the fewer top-up credits will be assigned, and vice-versa. Hence, an award of BCT credits does not imply an automatic reduction by that amount in the number of credits required for completion of the respective programme.

Top-up Courses

  • Normally, compulsory courses are included in the top-up list.
  • Successful cases may serve as precedents. Applicants are advised to consult the BCT precedents before submitting an application.


  • Enrol in a course which is in the top-up list if a precedent is available.
  • If no precedent or no application result is available, you may consider registering in compulsory courses.
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