Message from the Registrar

Registry About us Message from the Registrar

Welcome to Registry

Registry Teams

The Registry is committed to providing excellent services to our current students, faculty and staff members, as well as our prospective students.

As a central administrative unit of the University, we administer and deliver a broad range of student and academic services, such as admissions, registration, quality assurance, class scheduling, examinations, and graduation. The Registry is also responsible for maintaining student records and providing secretarial support to Senate and its committees, and are integral in the governing of academic regulations of the University. 

As a team, our goals are to provide excellent student services; protect and maintain the integrity of student data; and inform and implement academic regulations and policies.

We welcome you to this website to find out more about who we are, what we do, and we welcome suggestions from our students so that we could continue to improve our services to you and the community at large.


Ms Agnes CHOI