Staff Profile

Registry About us People (Key Staff) Staff Profile
Ms. Lee Kwan Wai Erika 李君慧女士
BSSc(Hons) CUHK, MEcon HKU, MSc CUHK, PgDip Edu CUHK
Senior Assistant Registrar


Ms. Erika Lee received her BSocSci, MSc and Postgraduate Diploma in Education from the Chinese University of Hong Kong, and her Master in Economics from The University of Hong Kong. 

With over 20 years of experience as a senior administrator in the Higher Education sector, Erika Lee has extensive experience in academic service, school administration, programme planning and development, and quality assurance management. 

Erika Lee joined HKMU as Associate Director of Li Ka Shing School of Professional and Continuing Education (HKMU LiPACE) in November 2017, where she oversaw the development and operation of academic teams, administration units and programmes. She took the role as Senior Assistant Registrar at the Registry in January 2023. At the Registry, she heads and provides direction in the areas of student recruitment, admission, enrolment and academic support. She hopes to strengthen administrative services and explore new ideas and initiatives to enhance students’ support.  

Prior to joining HKMU, Erika Lee worked for Caritas Institute of Higher Education and Caritas Bianchi College of Careers as Associate Vice-President (Academic) cum Registrar, where her responsibilities included school administration, programme development and delivery and student support service. 


Modified Date: 31 Oct, 2023
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