Enrolment (Undergraduate)

Registry Enrolment (Undergraduate)
Enrolment (Undergraduate)

The Enrolment Team (Undergraduate) provides services in three major areas: course enrolment, student finance, and government subsidy of full-time undergraduate and sub-degree programmes.

  • Course enrolment tasks include coordinating with Schools on course assignments for normal curriculum and special study plans, advising students on course selection, administering the course selection processes and add/drop, and supporting course matters related to General Education, English Language Enhancement, and other general requirements of University undergraduate curriculum. More details are on the Course Enrolment page on the Current Students (Undergraduate Students) website.
  • Student finance tasks include assisting the Finance Office in planning tuition fees for the new academic year, issuing debit notes for tuition fees collection (under credit-fee), reviewing late payment applications, and processing de-registration and late registration. More details are on the Student Finance page on the Current Students (Undergraduate Students) website.
  • Government subsidy tasks include operating the application and/or disbursement of “Non-means-tested Subsidy Scheme for Self-financing Undergraduate Studies in Hong Kong” (NMTSS) and “Study Subsidy Scheme for Designated Professions/Sectors” (SSSDP), and liaising with the Education Bureau on related policies and reports. In collaboration with the School of Nursing and Health Studies, the team is also involved in handling the subsidy and reporting for the two sub-degree programmes under the training programme subsidized by the Social Welfare Department.

In addition, the team processes deferment of studies, withdrawal from programmes or courses, change of programmes, compilation of undergraduate and sub-degree student handbook, academic probation, maximum duration, and other miscellaneous academic matters related to full-time undergraduate and sub-degree studies. More details are on the Current Students (Undergraduate Students) website.

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