Quality Assurance

Registry Quality Assurance
Quality Assurance
Quality Assurance

The Quality Assurance team supports the mission and core values of the University and promotes the graduate attributes it espouses by ensuring that the University continues to deliver high-quality programmes and courses and maintain high academic standards.

The combination of internal and external reviews is essential to the quality cycle of planning, implementing, monitoring, evaluating and refining, which contributes to continual improvement of current practices. In this respect, our team works with Schools and Departments to ensure that programmes and courses conform to a pre-determined set of academic and professional standards through monitoring by a combination of peer, internal and external reviews.

Our team also facilitates improvement in teaching and learning through collecting feedback from students, graduates and employers. It manages QA-related survey findings and ensures timely dissemination of accurate information to academic units and external stakeholders (e.g. EDB, HKCAAVQ) for academic planning, service enhancement, public access etc. And recommends necessary updates to QA-related policies and procedures by benchmarking with local and international standards and considering feedback from stakeholders and government authorities.

The Quality Assurance Handbook and more details are available to staff on the Staff Intranet by clicking here (password required).

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