Quality Assurance in HKMU

Registry Quality Assurance in HKMU


The University strongly believes in not only maintaining minimum standards of quality but also in continually attempting to achieve the highest quality possible in the design of our policies and procedures. The quality assurance systems in the University aim to ensure that:

  • its programmes and courses conform to a predetermined set of academic and professional standards;
  • the awards it grants are equivalent in standard to similar programmes, both locally and internationally; and
  • the quality of teaching and learning is maintained and, where appropriate, enhanced.

To fulfil these aims, our quality assurance systems involve:

  • careful evaluation of all programmes and courses at the planning and development stage;
  • continuous monitoring and evaluation of programme and course delivery, including student course evaluation questionnaires and outcome standards; and
  • a regular review of all provisions.

The University believes that, for educational quality and quality assurance, it is vital to develop a quality culture among its staff and its students, and through the University's governance system.

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