Senate Secretariat

Registry Senate Secretariat
Senate Secretariat

The Senate Secretariat provides secretarial services to the University Senate, coordinates and facilitates discussion of academic issues at the Senate meetings, and ensures that academic policies and procedures are adhered to.

Our team also provides secretarial services to two sub-committees of the Senate: the Programme Review and Validation Committee (PRVC) and the Internal Validation Committee (IVC).

  • The PRVC reviews the proposals from Schools for new award-bearing undergraduate and postgraduate programmes or submissions from Schools for programme revalidation at regular intervals and make recommendations on their continuation to the Senate.
  • The IVC considers Schools' proposals on routine programme matters (such as changes or replacement of constituent courses) or curriculum changes, and makes recommendations to the Senate. It evaluates all new award-bearing programmes at the sub-degree/ certificate/ diploma levels; makes recommendations to the Senate on course presentations; and reviews School Reports annually and reports any issues related to academic standards to the Senate by way of an Academic Standards Report.
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