1. Authority

1.1   These Regulations are issued by the Senate under the authority granted to it by section 10(15) of the Statute governing operations of the Senate.

1.2   The Senate, or any committee of the Senate empowered by it to do so, may adopt implementing measures and procedures pursuant to any Regulation provided that such measures and procedures will have force only in so far as they are consistent with the Ordinance and these Regulations.

2. Academic integrity

2.1   The University expects that its students will act at all times to uphold academic integrity, which is a requisite for effective learning and sound scholarship and which is essential in achieving the objectives of the University as stated in the Ordinance.

2.2   Activities which violate the University's expectation of academic integrity include, but are not limited to, the following:

(a)  Submission for assessment purposes of material that is not a student's own work;

(b)  Copying, either entirely or in part, and whether using the exact words or with some substitution of words, of the published or unpublished work of others without acknowledgement of the original source;

(c)   Presentation of another person's argument as the student's own without giving due credit to the originator;

(d)  Dishonesty in publication, the use of false or fabricated data or experimental results;

(e)  Obtaining or seeking to obtain unauthorized access to question papers or other assessment materials;

(f)   Misconduct during examinations such as:

        i. having or seeking access to any unauthorized information, material or electronic device during the examination;

        ii. aiding or attempting to aid another candidate, or obtaining or attempting to obtain aid from any other person;

        iii. obtaining or attempting to obtain aid unfairly from any officer of the University or any person as appointed by the University for the conduct of an examination or the assessment activities, either during the period of an examination or afterwards;

(g)  Impersonating another student, or seeking to have another person impersonate oneself, during an examination, tutorial or other exercise;

(h)  Misrepresentation of information on academic matters, including but not limited to knowingly making any false statement or falsifying any evidence in support of admission, deferment of studies or examination, exemption from programme requirements, the award of a degree, diploma, course credit or other distinction by the University.

2.3   A University teacher, tutor or other staff member who suspects that a breach of academic integrity has taken place should first investigate and discuss the matter with the student concerned and, where appropriate, with the Internal Examiner of the relevant course. If a mutually acceptable resolution is reached, which shall fall within Regulation 2.5 (a) – (e) below, the staff member concerned shall report the case and resolution to the Dean of the relevant school for record.  An annual report of all cases of the school shall be submitted to Student Disciplinary Committee. If a mutually acceptable resolution is not possible or if the breach is of a serious nature, the staff member shall submit a report with evidence of the alleged breach of academic integrity to the Dean.

2.4   On receipt of a report that alleges a breach of academic integrity, the Dean shall review the case and decide whether there are reasonable and probable grounds to proceed with a charge of breach of academic integrity. If positive, the student suspected for breaches of academic integrity should be informed of the case and be provided with an opportunity to respond to the accusation and to present any relevant evidence.

2.5   Upon reviewing all evidence presented, the Dean shall, in consultation with the Registrar, take one or more of the following actions:

(a)    Dismiss the case (no further action);

(b)    Require student to complete an academic honesty assignment;

(c)    Issue an oral or written reprimand by the Dean, the former in the presence of at least two witnesses, which shall be recorded in the student's file;

(d)    Require student to complete a make-up assignment, examination or rewriting a work subject to a lower grade;

(e)    Award a lowered grade or a Fail grade, as appropriate, on the assignment(s), examination(s) or course(s) concerned;

(f)     Issue a directive that the University not take into account the work in question for assessment purposes including record of Absence for the examination concerned;

(g)    Recommend a disciplinary hearing be convened under the procedures of Regulation 4 below. 

2.6   The decision of the Dean shall be communicated to the student. A report of the case shall be passed to the Registrar for record and report to the Student Disciplinary Committee annually.

2.7   For alleged examination misconduct occurred in a setting which is formally invigilated, the incident shall be noted in the invigilator's written report, which shall be submitted to the Sub-Committee for Alleged Examination Misconduct (SCAEM) together with any evidence for consideration.  A student accused of examination misconduct should be informed of the case and be provided with an opportunity to respond to the accusation and to present any relevant evidence to SCAEM.  SCAEM shall review all evidence and decide on dismissal of the case or any penalty to be imposed.  The penalty shall fall within Regulation 2.5 (a) – (g) above. The decision of SCAEM shall be communicated to the student. A record of the case shall be passed to the Registrar for record and be reported to the Student Disciplinary Committee annually.

3. Student conduct

I. Expectations

3.1   The University encourages students to cultivate a sense of responsibility, promote reflection, and foster accountability and mutual respect.  Students are expected, as any other University's member, to act in the best interests of the University community at all times.

3.2.  All students are expected to:

(a)    act in accordance and comply with the law;

(b)    observe rules, regulations and policies of the University;

(c)    uphold the virtues of honesty and righteousness;

(d)    act with regard to the health and safety of others;

(e)    act with regard to the University's reputation and to ensure that their behaviors as students, do not adversely affect the University's reputation and interests;

(f)     respect the rights and dignity of others, including but not limited to privacy and personal data rights, irrespective of their ethnicity and race, sex and gender identity, sexual orientation, abilities and disabilities, age, religion and family status.

II. Discipline

3.3   The University expects good conduct of students and may take disciplinary action against a student who commits any of the following disciplinary offences or who violates any rules, regulations or policies established by the University:

(a)    Defamation of, assault on or harassment against any member(s) of the University;

(b)    Willful damage to or defacement of any property of the University or the property of its member(s);

(c)    Theft, fraud, misapplication of University funds or property of any kind;

(d)    Conduct which unreasonably obstructs the teaching, learning, assessment, research or consultative activities of the University, its staff or students;

(e)    Misbehavior of a nature which brings the name of the University into disrepute;

(f)    Falsification, distortion or misrepresentation of information to the University that is intended to mislead administrative processes, including but not limited to supporting an application to any person or organization for a grant, bursary, prize, scholarship or any other form of award, allowance or assistance;

(g)    Unauthorized disclosure of confidential information including that relating to the proceedings of any board, council or committee of the University, subject to the provision of relevant codes of practice which may be issued from time to time;

(h)    Posting unlawful, defamatory, indecent or offensive messages or activities via any media platforms, including but not limited to paper-form media, social media or any public communication channels; and/or making any communications that may incite hatred or violence, or maybe pornographic, proprietary, libelous or derogatory that directly or indirectly damages the reputation and interests of the University or any member(s) of the University;

(i)     For gain or otherwise, without the written permission of the University, copying any material provided by the University in any form whatsoever;

(j)     Students are not allowed to use video recorders, cameras or voice recorders (including those embedded in mobile phones) in a classroom during classes, unless authorized by the instructor or academic staff member in charge of the class;  

(k)    Subject to the provisions of Regulation 6 below regarding rights of appeal, failing to comply with any penalty imposed by a University disciplinary authority.

3.4   Notwithstanding the provisions of Regulation 3.3, the conduct of a student of the University while on the premises of another institution shall be subject to the requirements imposed by that institution.

3.5   Any member of the University who suspects that a student has committed a disciplinary offence should report the alleged offence, together with any evidence available, to the Vice President (Research & Student Development).

3.6   On receipt of a report that alleges commission by a student of a disciplinary offence, the Vice President (Research & Student Development) shall review the case and decide whether there are reasonable and probable grounds to proceed with a charge of student misconduct.  If positive, the student accused of the misconduct should be informed of the case and be provided with an opportunity to respond to the accusation and to present any relevant evidence.

3.7   Upon reviewing all evidence presented, the Vice President (Research & Student Development) shall, in consultation with the Director of Student Affairs, take one or more of the following actions:

(a)    Dismiss the case (no further action);

(b)    Issue an oral or written reprimand, the former in the presence of at least two witnesses, which shall be recorded in the student's file;

(c)    Require completion of University community service;

(d)    Impose a requirement to make good any loss of or damage to the property or premises arising from the student misconduct;

(e)    Recommend a disciplinary hearing be convened under the procedures of Regulation 4 below. 

3.8   The decision of the Vice President (Research & Student Development) shall be communicated to the student. A report of the case shall be passed to the Registrar for record and report to the Student Disciplinary Committee annually.

3.9   In the event that a student has been subject to law-enforcement actions and/or criminal prosecution during the course of study, regardless of whether he/she is convicted, the student's case shall be considered by the Chair of the Student Disciplinary Committee, who will decide on one of the following actions:

(a)    No further action is necessary;

(b)    The case shall be transferred to Student Affairs Office for student support service; 

(c)    The case shall be taken up by the Student Disciplinary Committee in accordance with relevant University Rules and Regulations.

4. Disciplinary hearings

4.1   On the recommendation of a School Dean, or SCAEM or Vice President (Research & Student Development) (where appropriate) for a hearing, the Student Disciplinary Committee shall appoint a Student Disciplinary Panel (Panel) from its members to convene a hearing in relation to allegations of a breach of academic integrity pursuant to Regulation 2 or commission of a disciplinary offence pursuant to Regulation 3.

4.2   The student alleged to have committed the breach of academic integrity or disciplinary offence shall have the right to:

(a)  appear before the Student Disciplinary Panel;

(b)  submit a written statement or present other evidence to the Panel;

(c)   be accompanied at the hearing by a University staff member or student of his/her choice, who shall however not have the right to speak or present evidence to the Panel.

4.3   The Panel's deliberations shall be held in camera. The student shall be advised on conclusion of the hearing of the verdict of the Panel, the outcome and imposition of any sanctions or penalties as provided for in Regulation 5.

5. Sanctions and penalties

5.1   On conclusion of a hearing conducted under Regulation 4 above, the Student Disciplinary Panel may impose any of the following sanctions or penalties, singly or in combination, as it may consider appropriate:

(a)    Dismissal of the case;

(b)    Completion of an academic honesty assignment;

(c)    Completion of University community service;

(d)    Issuance of an oral or written reprimand, the former in the presence of at least two witnesses, which shall be recorded in the student's file;

(e)    Completion of a make-up assignment, examination or rewriting a work subject to a lower grade;

(f)     The award of a lowered grade or a Fail grade, as appropriate, on the assignment(s), examination(s) or course(s) concerned;

(g)    Issuance of a directive that the University not take into account the work in question for assessment purposes including record of Absence for the examination concerned;

(h)    A requirement to make good any loss of or damage to the property or premises arising from the misconduct;

(i)     Notation on transcript;

(j)     Exclusion from further registration on courses offered by the University for a definite period;

(k)    Suspension or dismissal from any course(s) in progress;

(l)     Suspension from all or specific programme(s) for a definite period:

(m)  Expulsion from the University;

(n)    The withholding or revocation by the University of a degree or other academic award;

(o)    Any other penalties, as deemed appropriate for certain offences.

6. Appeal of disciplinary measures

6.1   A student may appeal to the Chair of the Student Disciplinary Committee any decisions taken by a Dean, or SCAEM, or Vice President (Research & Student Development), or Student Disciplinary Panel in respect of an alleged breach of academic integrity pursuant to Regulation 2, or an alleged disciplinary offence pursuant to Regulation 3, other than a decision to convene a disciplinary hearing.

6.2   An appeal shall be in writing and shall reach the Chair of the Student Disciplinary Committee no later than fourteen days after the student is informed of the relevant decision.

6.3   If the Chair of the Student Disciplinary Committee considers the appeal to have merit, he/she shall appoint a Student Disciplinary Panel to review the case.  If the appeal is against the decision of a Student Disciplinary Panel, he/she shall convene a hearing of the Student Disciplinary Committee to discuss the appeal. The student who submitted the appeal shall have the right to:

(a)  appear before the Student Disciplinary Committee/Panel;

(b)  submit a written statement or present other evidence to the Committee/Panel;

(c)   be accompanied at the hearing by a University staff member or student of his/her choice, who shall however not have the right to speak nor present evidence to the Committee/Panel.

6.4   After the hearing, the Student Disciplinary Committee shall make a decision to either:

(a)  Uphold the decision reached by the relevant University disciplinary authority; or

(b)  Direct the relevant University disciplinary authority to take one of the alternative courses of action provided for in Regulation 5.1.

6.5   The decision reached by the Student Disciplinary Committee in respect of an appeal launched shall be communicated to the student concerned.

6.6   A student may lodge a final appeal to the President on the verdict reached by the Student Disciplinary Committee following a hearing conducted under Regulation 6.3. Normally appeals will be considered only on the basis of procedural irregularities or new evidence.

6.7   A final appeal under Regulation 6.6 shall be in writing and shall reach the President no later than fourteen days after the student is informed of the relevant decision.

6.8   The President or his/her nominee, shall review the case and decide whether the decision of the Student Disciplinary Committee pursuant to Regulation 6.4 shall stand. If he/she considers the appeal to have merit, he may constitute and convene a meeting of an Appeals Panel to discuss the appeal. The Appeals Panel shall make a recommendation to the President to either:

(a)  Uphold the verdict and/or penalties determined by the Student Disciplinary Committee; or

(b)  Direct the Student Disciplinary Committee to record an alternative verdict and/or impose alternative sanctions or penalties provided for under Regulation 5.

6.9   The President, taking into account the recommendation of the Appeals Panel, shall make a decision on the appeal. The President's decision shall be final.

6.10 Pending the outcome of an appeal, a student shall observe any suspension imposed by the Student Disciplinary Committee.

Regulations Updated on 26 November 2021 

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