Application for Government Financial Assistance 2024/25

Student Affairs Office Application for Government Financial Assistance 2024/25

Application for Government Financial Assistance 2024/25

For Local Students studying Full-time Sub-Degree and Bachelor's Degree Programmes

Government's Financial Assistance Scheme for Post-secondary Students (FASP) and Non-means-tested Loan Scheme for Post-secondary Students (NLSPS)

The online application forms for FASP and NLSPS (2024/25 Academic Year) are available now.  You can create or login iAM Smart and/or MyGovHK accounts to access the online application forms [platform of ”SFO E-link”(].  Please refer to FASP/NLSPS Online Demonstration for more details of submission procedures.

*Note: All students are obligated to settle the tuition fee before stipulated payment deadline. Thus, please submit your FASP/ NLSPS applications as soon as possible. Early submission of application with COMPLETE information will facilitate the smooth processing and early disbursement of financial assistance to you.

Additional Academic Expenses Grant for Students with Special Educational Needs (SEN)  (For applicant who is eligible for and has passed the means test of FASP)

Eligible applicant will be offered an additional academic expenses grant if they are confirmed by a relevant professional to have special educational needs (SEN)* and have passed the means test of Financial Assistance Scheme for Post-secondary Students (FASP).  For details of application, please visit the SFO's website


*Note: including the specific learning difficulties, intellectural disability, autism spectrum disorders, attention deficit/ hyperactivity disorders, physical disability, visual impairment, hearing impairment, speech and language impairment, and/or mental illness.

Useful material (Click the relevant link):

FASP –  Notes for filling in Family Income and Checklist on Documentary Proofs Required

NLSPS – There are several channels to submit the supporting documents, please read the relevant Application Guidance Notes.

 Application Deadline: 21 June 2024 (Friday)

For enquiry, please contact Government SFO [2152-9000 (FASP) / 2150-6222 (NLSPS) / 2802-2345 (24-hour automated enquiry hotline)] or HKMU SAO (2768-6636) during office hours.