Spread The Love – Food Drive in HKMU Campaign

Student Affairs Office Community Engagement Service-Learning Past Event Showcase Spread The Love – Food Drive in HKMU Campaign

Spread The Love – Food Drive in HKMU Campaign

In Hong Kong, more than 3,400 tonnes of food waste are disposed to landfills each day, while there are more than one million poor people striving for nutritious meals. To tackle the challenge of food waste and hunger, Student Affairs Office organized the “Spread The Love – Food Drive in HKMU Campaign” from 16 to 19 January 2023 to collect food and anti-epidemic supplies, and promote food waste reduction on campus.

More than 200 HKMU staff and students participated in this campaign and we have collected 124.78 kg of food and anti-epidemic supplies (which has supported over 297 meals for grassroots families in Hong Kong). The total amount of donation received is over HK$6,000, which has been donated to the Feeding Hong Kong for the purchase of Lunar New Year food packs for underprivileged families.

In addition, the Student Affairs Office also partnered with Feeding Hong Kong and mobilized students to deliver carrots, frozen chicken wings, apples and other food to Lai Chi Kok grassroots families through Mobile Food Pantry service.

Kelvin, a first-year student from School of Nursing and Health Studies, says that it's was a great learning experience for him to meet other people, learn more about poverty issues in Hong Kong and do his part to give back. This service-learning programme also helps him to cultivate empathy for others, which is very crucial for him to become a successful health and social care professional in the future.

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