Campus Life Enrichment Funds (24/25)

Student Affairs Office Campus Life Enrichment Funds (24/25)

The Campus Life Enrichment Funds (Funds) aim to financially support individual FTUG students or student groups to organise or participate, on a voluntary basis, in activities or projects that enrich the campus life experience, enhance personal development as well as to bring positive impacts to the University community.

(2)funds web banner

The grant facilitates not-for-profit, small or informal student groups of not less than 3 FTUG students to initiate short term project ideas or new student interest groups that related to one of the followings:

  1. Enhancing the campus community engagement; or
  2. Instilling positive energy to the campus community; or
  3. Nurturing youth values.

We are looking for activities that offer shared creative experiences to bring the HKMU community together.



  • The initiated activities should take place in the period of 1 Sep to 17 Aug 2025;
  • The proposal idea should achieve at least one objective stated above;
  • Any kinds of activities with gambling element, including Poker and Mahjong, will not be considered;
  • The applicant should be the PIC and the contact person of the project;
  • All the members of the group should be active FTUG students;
  • The activity should be non-profit-making;
  • To facilitate the applications from students with different start dates of term, three rounds of application are open as follows.


Level of Support:

Up to $5,000 to each project, subject to the activity scale and number of beneficiaries, a higher subsidy level may be considered case by case.



10 Groups (Priority will be given to applications with higher numbers of beneficiaries; in case of any dispute, the decision of SAO shall be final.)



Only organisers or participants of FTUG students will be subsidised.


Application Method:

An online application should be submitted for prior approval before the commencement of your event. Applicant is required to submit the Project Completion Form one month upon the completion of the event for subsidy application.


Application Timeline:

RoundApplication DeadlineActivity Period
First Round10 working days before the activity commencement dateAutumn Term
Second RoundSpring Term
Third RoundSummer Term

* The period of Autumn, Spring and Summer Term refers to the University's Academic Calendar.

Interested students who wish to explore the feasibility of the project ideas before submitting the application may contact our staff at to make an appointment, subject to the activity nature, SAO may facilitate the project implementation by providing necessary tangible supports such as venues and publicity.

(3)funds web banner

The subsidy scheme supports individual students to engage in different life enrichment activities in Hong Kong which take place during 1 Oct 2024 to 17 Aug 2025.


  1. Art Appreciation and Cultural Activities (e.g. Performances by Hong Kong Arts Festival, HK Gu Zheng Art Course, Hong Kong Philharmonic orchestra)
  2. Local/ International/ Regional Academic Competition/ Conference (e.g. International Mathematical Olympiad, HSBC/HKU Business Case Competition)
  3. Public Examination/ License for Professional Development (e.g. IELTS, Japanese Language Proficiency Test, Test of Proficiency in Korean)
  4. Sports Competition/ Campaign/ Running Race (e.g. Hong Kong Marathon, Jiujitsu competition, dragon boat racing)
  5. Training/ Workshop for Personal Development (e.g. sign language class, certificate in Spanish, St. John first aid course)


All full time undergraduate students


Level of Support:

Category 1 – 5: Up to $300 or the actual cost, whichever is lower to each application



600 (FTUG students only; first-come-first-served)


Apply Now:

Online Application via MyHKMU [User guide for application] (Will be opened on 1 Oct 2024)



  1. Each student can submit one application for the life enrichment activity which takes place during 1 Oct 2024 to 17 Aug 2025 and fulfills at least one criteria;
  2. No prior application is required;
  3. Applicant should provide payment receipt(s) and supporting documents that identify the applicant and the actual amount paid;
  4. Applicant should provide an individual payment record if participating in a group activity. A lump sum amount for a group of participants without the applicant's individual payment record will not be considered normally;
  5. Applications that do not fulfill all requirements will be rejected.

Application Method:

Interested students can submit the application via MyHKMU by 17 Aug 2025.