HKMU Emergency Grant

Student Affairs Office Financial Assistance HKMU Emergency Grant
The HKMU Emergency Grant is offered to local full-time students with emergency needs. It is supported by the Croucher Foundation Fund for Students with Emergency Needs.


  1. Applicants should be full-time students studying the Sub-Degree, Bachelor's Degree or Postgraduate Programmes;
  2. Applicants should be permanent residents of the HKSAR (with HKID card); and
  3. Applicants should have financial difficulties caused by the recent unforeseen circumstances. The emergency circumstances should normally be encountered by the student or the close family members within 12 months prior to application.

Assessment Criteria and Announcement of Result

  1. Assessment will be made and considered by the HKMU Student Financial Awards Committee (SFAC). The amount of assistance should be recommended by the Student Affairs Office (SAO), and approved by the Chairman of SFAC.
  2. Eligible applicants are not guaranteed to be offered grants.
  3. Successful applicants will be notified of the result in writing. Disbursement of grant will normally be made via autopay.

How to Apply

  1. Applicants should submit the completed paper application form [FEG Form-e] to SAO in person.
  2. Please read the “Guidance Notes” [FEG Guide-e] before completing the application form.
  3. Applicants should attend an interview arranged by the SAO staff and provide supporting proof(s) upon request.
  4. Application is open throughout the year.