Financial Assistance Scheme for Post-secondary Students (FASP) and Student Travel Subsidy (STS)

Student Affairs Office Financial Assistance Financial Assistance Scheme for Post-secondary Students (FASP) and Student Travel Subsidy (STS)

The Financial Assistance Scheme for Post-secondary Students (FASP) and Student Travel Subsidy (STS) are administered by the Student Finance Office (SFO) under the Working Family and Student Financial Assistance Agency (WFSFAA).

FASP provides means-tested financial assistance to needy students and STS provides travel subsidy to needy students attending a full-time day course up to first degree level.

Additional Academic Expenses Grant provides means-tested financial assistance to students with Special Education Needs (SEN).  For details of application, please visit the SFO's website (

  1. Applicants need to be aged 30 or below;
  2. Applicants need to be engaged in full-time locally-accredited self-financing post-secondary education programmes at sub-degree (i.e. associate degree or higher diploma) or degree level (please refer to the Course Coding Sheet which lists out the programmes covered under FASP and their course codes);
  3. Applicants have not accepted financial assistance under any other publicly-funded student finance assistance scheme [(e.g. the Continuing Education Fund (CEF)) for the programme/course covered by the application in the same academic year; and
  4. Applicants have the right of abode in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (Hong Kong) or have resided or have had their homes in Hong Kong continuously for three complete years prior to the commencement of the course. This does not cover students holding:-
    1. student visas/entry permits;
    2. visas/entry permits under the Immigration Arrangements for Non-local Graduates; or
    3. dependant visas/entry permits which were issued to them by the Director of Immigration when they were 18 years old or above.

For STS, applicants should reside beyond 10 minutes' walking distance from their normal place of study and require to travel to school by public transport.


  1. Please refer to the calculator webpage to obtain a rough estimate of the amount of financial assistance that you could receive under FASP.
  2. The maximum level of assistance under FASP is made up of tuition fee grant, academic expenses grant and living expenses loan:
    1. Tuition Fee (TF) Grant
      TF Grant at annual tuition fees payable subject to a ceiling. The ceiling for the 2024/25 academic year is HK$93,130;
    2. Academic Expenses (AE) Grant
      The maximum amount of AE Grant of the 2024/25 academic year is HK$9,010; and
    3. Living Expenses (LE) Loan
      The maximum amount of LE Loan of the 2024/25 academic year is HK$58,890.


  1. The amount of travel subsidy is calculated on the basis of the average fare on public transport between the districts in which the student studies and resides during term-time.
  2. There are two levels of subsidy, namely full-level and half-level.
    1. If you are entitled to maximum financial assistance under the FASP, you will be eligible for full level travel subsidy.
    2. If you are entitled to assistance below the maximum level, you will be eligible for travel subsidy at half level.

  1. All applications should be submitted through "SFO E-link – My Applications" before the application deadline.
  2. Please study the Guidance Notes [FASP/1B (2024)] carefully before completing the form.
  3. Applicants should submit the duly signed declaration (for paper signing) with photocopies of supporting documents within seven days from the date of submission of online application form.
  4. Applicants must indicate the wish to apply for STS when submitting the online application for assistance under the FASP. If full-time students are aged over 30 and intend to apply for STS, they should follow the application procedures for STS under the Financial Assistance for Primary and Secondary students.

Government's Student Finance Office under the Working Family and Student Financial Assistance Agency
E-mail Address:

Address: 4/F, Trade and Industry Tower, 3 Concorde Road, Kai Tak, Kowloon.
Tel: 2152-9000 (During office hours) / 2802-2345 (24-hour hotline)
Fax: 2157-9520

Address: 12/F, One Mong Kok Commercial Centre, 1 Mong Kok Road, Kowloon
Tel: 3616-6538 / 3616-6549 (During office hours) / 2802-2345 (24-hour hotline)
Fax: 3616-6531 / 3616-6461