(Calling for applications) The C I Stapleton Scholarship 2024/25

Student Affairs Office (Calling for applications) The C I Stapleton Scholarship 2024/25

(Calling for applications) The C I Stapleton Scholarship 2024/25

The C I Stapleton Scholarship (2-5 awards, HK$20,000-HK$50,000 each) is now open for applications from students who are from Diocesan Boys' School (DBS), Diocesan Girls' School (DGS) or any school of the English Schools Foundation (ESF), aged 25 or below and obtain a CGPA of 3.0 or above.


Please read the Guidance Notes [FCIS (2024/25) Guide-e] before completing the online application via the student portal “MyHKMU”.


Application Deadline: 29 December 2024 (Sunday).


Please visit our scholarship website regularly for the up-to-date news of all other self-nominated scholarships that are open for application and to explore the chance of winning scholarships.