Kristin Chen

Student Affairs Office Publications and Highlights Student Stories Kristin Chen
I aspire to be a director who gives people a free rein to participate in the creation so that the show can be more innovative and unique.

Keep Trying: 
Kristin's Quest as a Director

Not everyone’s dreams come true. Many are left unfulfilled, lost in mere words. However, things are different for Kristin Chen, a passionate third-year Hong Kong Metropolitan University (HKMU) student majoring in Creative Writing and Film Arts. Kristin’s love for exploring new avenues, collaborating with diverse organizations, participating in various performances, and serving as an assistant director sets her apart. She is accumulating diverse experiences to achieve her ultimate dream of becoming a director. For Kristin, dreams are not just idle fantasies but the driving force behind her.

Participation in School Performances Leads to Strong Interests

Arts and performance have always held a special place in Kristin’s heart, which is obvious in her choice of study and active participation in diverse performances. However, the path she traversed could have been more predictable. Reflecting on her primary school days, Kristin recalls being invited by a teacher to participate in the annual performance. At the time, acting had little appeal for her, and she did not actively seek external performance opportunities or art courses. It wasn’t until Form Six, the senior year of high school, that her interest in acting gradually surfaced. “During that period, our school organized many festivals that gave me numerous chances to perform. My passion for acting ignited during those moments, prompting me to enrol in external courses to refine my skills.” Throughout Kristin ‘s extensive journey in primary and secondary education, spanning over a decade, the seed of artistic performance quietly took root in her heart, waiting to bloom.

The Drama Society of HKMU recently staged its 16th annual performance, featuring a play titled ‘Mud.’ This transformative play, with its three performances and a cast and crew of around thirty to forty individuals, revolves around a group of strangers who find themselves unexpectedly trapped in a cavern filled with mud. Inside the play, they forge connections and delve into the depths of life’s philosophy. Kristin, serving as the assistant director for this production, recounted that she gladly accepted the challenge after a friend extended the invitation, intrigued by the prospect of exploring the role of an assistant director for the first time.

Kristin emphasized the contrast between being an assistant director and an actor. While actors have fewer responsibilities and focus solely on their performances, being an assistant director entails many tasks, affording her an entirely different experience. She shared that as an assistant director, she had to navigate the delicate balance of coordinating with the actors, as each person possessed unique perspectives. Effective communication and the ability to instiltrust in the roles set by the director were paramount. Kristin gained invaluable insights from her role as an assistant director. However, given the opportunity, she expressed her desire to venture into the realm of directing. Her vision is to become a director who fosters a collaborative creative process, allowing everyone involved to contribute their ideas and ultimately shaping groundbreaking and distinctive performances. “I aspire to be a director who gives people a free rein to participate in the creation so that the show can be more innovative and unique,” she said.

Touched by the audience’s response

In addition to the school-organized performance events, Kristin participated in external performances, such as the City Contemporary Dance Company’s Youth Development Program, “Striding On.” Kristin recalls that her involvement in this performance was quite serendipitous. At her friend’s invitation, she audited with a “why not?” mentality. She was surprised by her success as she entered the program, describing it as a truly “magical” experience. Kristin explains that they underwent training and rehearsals together after being selected, which was a new and eye-opening experience.

Kristin explains that “Striding On.” was primarily about a group of young people using dance to express the youth’s thoughts and ideas to the Tai Po district residents. She describes this performance as a memorable experience. It was her first time participating in an outdoor performance, where the dancers distributed wish cards to the audience. Many residents were drawn to the performance by the music, and their engagement and support gave Kristin and her fellow dancers great strength, motivating all 22 performers to give their all on stage. Kristin says this performance deeply moved her, as she could witness the immediate reactions of the audience. However, as she points out, outdoor performances come with their own set of challenges and considerations. Performing outdoors is not easy, but she thoroughly enjoyed this rare experience.

Kristin had a great time working with other performers and gained unforgettable experience.
Kristin participated in the performance of "Striding On" for the first time and was deeply impressed by the outdoor performance.



Enrol in your favourite programme and explore yourself

Kristin is fortunate to be able to study the programme she loves and find her future direction. She expresses her happiness during her years at HKMU as she not only gets to study her preferred discipline but also participates in activities that interest her.

Moreover, during this time, Kristin has been exploring herself more. Although she had never been exposed to film production or film studies before enrolling in the Bachelor of Creative Writing and Film Arts, she has gained a deeper understanding of cinema since starting her studies. The programme’s scope covers film production, scriptwriting, and literary creation. While studying creative writing, Kristin discovered her passion for creation, impacting her future career path. In terms of film, she has learned various editing techniques that will benefit her future in post-production. She believes that studying this programme has helped her discover different possibilities and has provided her with valuable skills for her future development. Most importantly, aside from academics, she has the freedom to explore her interests and future aspirations.

Keep trying and laying the foundation for the future

Kristin enjoys trying out different activities. She participated in a play during the Hong Kong Arts Festival in March. Kristin enthusiastically shares how HKMU has become a haven for her diverse interests, offering an array of societies that encourage exploration and self-discovery. Through her studies, she has delved into the art of crafting scripts, honing her playwriting skills, and fearlessly venturing into various roles, all of which have nurtured her multifaceted talents.

Though graduation lies ahead, Kristin is already contemplating her exciting career path. “I envision myself captivating audiences on stage and directing awe-inspiring performances. For now, I intend to nurture my talents right here in the vibrant city of Hong Kong, and perhaps, in the future, I will set my sights on international stages.” Determined and driven, Kristin embarks on her journey with determination, embracing different opportunities and pursuing her dream of becoming a visionary director.

Kristin Chen

  • Year 3 student of Bachelor of Arts with Honours in Creative Writing and Film Arts
  • Fencing Team Member
  • Performance Experience: The 16th Annual Drama Society Showcase, Hong Kong Metropolitan University, “Mud”.
  • Performance Experience: “Striding On” Youth Dance Development Program – City Contemporary Dance Company