MAO Haoyu

Student Affairs Office Publications and Highlights Student Stories MAO Haoyu

Katie Shu Sui Pui Charitable Trust Residence Scholarship Programme
Dr Sin Wai Kin Mainland Students Scholarship
Outstanding Performance Scholarship
Outstanding Student Scholarship
Stanley Ko Scholarship

“Learning the language of the place you live in is important. ”

MAO Haoyu
Lee Shau Kee School of Business and Administration · Professional Accounting · Year 3

A top scorer from the mainland China, Mao Haoyu majors in Professional Accounting at HKMU with an impressive GPA of over 3.8. “What I love about HKMU is that I got to meet many cheerful friends and brilliant minds. We share our thoughts, encourage each other, and build each other up,” he said.

An awardee of the Katie Shu Sui Pui Charitable Trust—Residence Scholarship Programme, which was set up to assist mainland Chinese undergraduates to better immerse in campus life and the community of Hong Kong, Mao recalled that the very first challenge he encountered when arriving in Hong Kong was to understand and speak Cantonese. “I didn’t feel comfortable speaking the dialect, but as I pushed myself to keep practising, I improved a lot over time.” Meanwhile, as most of the courses were taught in English, he felt the urge to improve his spoken and written English within a short space of time, so he joined the workshops and activities provided by HKMU Language Centre. They proved to be a tremendous help.

Outside the classroom, he is a member of the A-Team Student Development Programme, participating in a variety of competitions and benefitting a lot from them. “This year, my team won the 2nd runner-up in the HSBC/HKU Hong Kong Business Case Competition,” he said with excitement.

Having five scholarships in his bag, Mao feels most honoured and grateful. 'They are a recognition of my relentless pursuit of academic excellence and a valuable gift that takes the stress out of my finances. I feel freer and braver to go out of my comfort zone and to do what I love.”

Heading into his final year, Mao is doing his best to maintain his competitive GPA in the hope of graduating with first-class honours. He wishes to obtain a Master's Degree in Finance with the money awarded and hopefully a PhD, before starting his career chapter in Hong Kong.