(现正接受第二轮申请) 香港都会大学「学费资助计划 」- 致兼读制及遥距学习生

学生事务处 (现正接受第二轮申请) 香港都会大学「学费资助计划 」- 致兼读制及遥距学习生

(现正接受第二轮申请) 香港都会大学「学费资助计划 」- 致兼读制及遥距学习生

(For Part-time and Distance Learning Students)

The HKMU Loan Scheme for 2024 Autumn Term is now inviting applications!

HKMU Loan [Only “Pay After One Year” (PAOY) Loan]
Deadline: 19 August 2024 (Monday)

All students (New and Continuing students) are eligible for the interest-free loan. Applicants have to pay the tuition fees first, and the loan will be disbursed on reimbursement basis.  

  • Continuing students should submit a simplified version of application form via the student portal “MyHKMU“. (Path: MyHKMU > My Programme > Financial Assistance / Scholarships > HKMU Student Financial Assistance Scheme Portal > Apply)
  • New students should submit a full version of application form through this online platform.

* The Priority Loan Form has been suspended since the 2022/23 academic year.