FAN Shing Chit Alex

Student Affairs Office Service-Learning Development Programmes Students' Sharing FAN Shing Chit Alex

The service learning experience is a lifelong memory filled with unforgettable moments. The people in Africa are friendly and welcoming, helping me appreciate their country and positive attitude despite challenges.

It was a memorable, fruitful, and meaningful journey to visit a country in Africa that I never imagined I would see. This trip was not just a vacation but an extraordinary service-learning experience that will leave unforgettable memories for a lifetime.

To start, we visited the slums and met two mothers, each facing challenges related to HIV and complex backgrounds. It was hard to believe I had the opportunity to go there. The experience highlighted the struggles faced by low-income people in the country. I was astonished to witness the authentic reality of their lives, including the harsh living conditions and overall quality of life.

The stories shared by the two ladies were heartbreaking. Their experiences and the challenges they overcame were almost unimaginable. Their resilience impressed me the most; they refused to give up despite their difficult circumstances. They were determined and persistent, actively seeking help for themselves. Our conversation was stunning and sorrowful, especially as I realized I couldn't help them in the long run. It made me reflect on how fortunate I am to have a complete family and not to worry about my basic needs apart from my studies. The way these ladies faced their hardships reminds me to stay strong. Instead of giving up, I should focus on finding solutions, as there is always a way forward.

We had an excellent opportunity to teach at a school. I was amazed when I first entered the classroom—it was similar in size to those in Hong Kong but with about 110 students. The students were incredibly motivated and eager to learn despite the cramped space. Their enthusiasm was impressive, even without personal desks. This experience made me appreciate my own learning environment. Speaking to such a large group was fun; they were curious about my Chinese name and signature. Feeling like a star was unforgettable.

I remember a girl asking me how to find strength to overcome hard times. I was surprised by her question. I told her about believing in oneself and having faith in God. She smiled and thanked me for my support. It was a touching moment I will never forget.

We visited Baby Watoto, where many orphans live. It was heartbreaking to see their adorable faces, but I was glad they had support from Watoto. At Watoto Suubi Village, I was amazed by their efforts to help children, from babies to teens. It was a great chance to learn about the lives of orphans and the support they receive. Before our service learning trip, we raised funds to renovate a primary school. It felt unreal to see our donations make a real difference. Despite poor air circulation and getting heatstroke, the renovation was memorable. After three days, the transformation was massive, and the satisfaction outweighed the tiredness. The students surprised us with a performance on our last day, making all our work worthwhile when we saw their happy faces.

The service learning experience is a lifelong memory filled with unforgettable moments. The people in Africa are friendly and welcoming, helping me appreciate their country and positive attitude despite challenges. The memories, lessons, and experiences would not have been the same without my great buddies. Thank you for the fantastic time together.

FAN Shing Chit Alex
Bachelor of Nursing with Honours in
General Health Care (Year 3)