Service-Learning Challenge: Make a Difference in your Community! 2023/2024

Student Affairs Office Service-Learning Development Programmes Students' Sharing Service-Learning Challenge: Make a Difference in your Community! 2023/2024

Service-Learning Challenge:

Make a Difference in your Community! 2023/2024

The first-ever programme at HKMU that combines service-learning with a social practice competition, “Service-Learning Challenge: Make a Difference in your Community!” was launched in Sep 2023. A total of 43 undergraduate students were recruited and divided into 11 participating teams. The teams designed and executed an original service project in response to a specific need in the community.

Participating teams have launched a series of innovative service projects covering various important areas, including mental health awareness, environmental conservation, elderly care, and clothing recycling upgrades. The winning teams will be able to participate in HKMU’s first service-learning trip to Africa during the summer of 2024.

Students' Sharing
