Service-Learning Trip to Africa 2023/2024

Student Affairs Office Service-Learning Development Programmes Students' Sharing Service-Learning Trip to Africa 2023/2024

Service-Learning Trip to Africa 2023/2024

HKMU's first service-learning trip to Africa – A group of students who won the Service-Learning Challenge: Make a Difference in your Community! 2023/2024 travelled to Uganda, Africa, at the end of July for a 14-day trip.

During the trip, HKMU students visited two primary schools and one secondary school to provide voluntary teaching and support the “Keep a Girl to School” team. They served a total of 1,670 students and distributed 4,168 sets of sanitary products to help female students stay in school.

The students planned and conducted all teaching activities, including designing content and preparing materials. Apart from activities centered around Hong Kong culture, students also shared remarkable stories of women in Hong Kong to inspire local female students to build confidence.

In addition to voluntary teaching, HKMU students also carried out a renovation project at a local primary school in the slums. The school suffers from flooding and crumbling walls. To improve the learning environment, the students fundraised for renovations before leaving and spent three days painting the school.

All participating students found the 14-day experience in Uganda unforgettable. For more details, please check the individual sharing from each participant.

Students' Sharing