Service-Learning Challenge Award 2024/2025

Student Affairs Office Service-Learning Service-Learning Challenge Award 2024/2025

Service-Learning Challenge Award 2024/2025

[Programme Background]

The Service-Learning Challenge Award aims to encourage HKMU students to initiate service projects or outside Hong Kong that address and support United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The Student Affairs Office is now offering a subsidy of up to HKD10,000 per student to support both individuals and student teams who tackle significant challenges in the community and make a meaningful impact on society.

Everyone can be a change-maker! Join this programme now to enhance your leadership skills and step up to drive positive social changes!

[You will be able to]

  • Attend free trainings and experiential learning activities to explore communities, needs and different social issues, develop skills and knowledge to create positive changes
  • Receive subsidies from Student Affairs Office and turn your service ideas into action based on authentic community needs
  • Join hands with fellow students in community services to gain new insights about yourself and the community
  • Enhance leadership skills and influence other HKMU members to make a difference in the community
  • Receive a certificate of appreciation upon the successful completion of the entire programme from the Student Affairs Office

[Types of Application]

We welcome individual application or team applications to join the local track or non-local track. All full-time HKMU undergraduate students are eligible to join. Submit your application now (click here).

Types of Application
Individual Application
Team Application
Local Track

Submitted proposal aims to serve the local community

Applicants can apply for a subsidy of HKD10,000

Students can apply in a group of 2 or more for a subsidy of maximum HKD 30,000

Non Local Track
Submitted proposal involves overseas trips
Not accepted

Students can apply in groups of 2 to 4, with each person eligible for a maximum subsidy of HKD 10,000.

[Application & Selection procedures]

Submit your application here on or before 5 Oct 2024. Selected applicant(s) will be invited to attend an interview.

[Important Timeline]

24 Sep 2024
Programme Briefing Session & Networking Dinner

• Open to all undergraduate students interested in the programme to learn more details, please click here for event registration

24 Sep 2024
From now until 5 Oct 2024
Programme Application
  • Accepting individual and group applications
  • Welcome submissions for local and overseas service learning projects
From now until 5 Oct 2024
Oct 2024
Workshops & Training Activities
• Details will be announced later
Oct 2024
7 Oct - 31 Dec 2024

Stage 1:

Program Preparation & Consultation

  • Consult with the SAO Service-Learning (SL) Staff for minimum of two advising sessions
  • Submit a finalized proposal
7 Oct - 31 Dec 2024
21 Jan 2025

Stage 2:

Project Pitching & Award Ceremony

• Project Pitching Presentation

• Awards Ceremony

21 Jan 2025
1 Feb 2025 - July 2025

Stage 3:

Project Development

  • Share project experiences on SAO social media
  • Regularly update the SL staff on project progress
1 Feb 2025 - July 2025
Aug 2025

Stage 4:

Service-learning project showcase

  • Conduct a post-activity survey, prepare a reflective report, and submit photos and a video
  • Present project experiences or outcomes at the sharing session
Aug 2025