Me&U Community Caring Programme 2024/25

Student Affairs Office Student Community Engagement Me&U Community Caring Programme 2024/25
WhatsApp Image 2024-08-22 at 11.36.40 AM

At the beginning of the new academic year, we believe you are keen on having a fulfilling and meaningful university life, making new friends and applying your classroom learning to contribute to the society in addition to working hard in your academic study.

SAO has established the “Me&U Community Caring Programme” for this purpose. Through partnering with different NGOs and external organisations, 3 service teams were initiated under the programme to unleash students' potentials and help contribute their knowledge by serving various vulnerable groups. We also encourage students' community engagement, nurture their positive personality traits and bring positive impact to the community. Apart from a series of training and services, students are required to draw the plan and execute their empowerment projects to facilitate their learning about specific social issues.

If you want to know a group of students who are dedicated to serving the community in the coming year and explore different social issues together, you are welcome to join us!

Our Service Teams


Partnering Organization: Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Lok Man Alice Kwok Integrated Service Centre


Partnering Organization: Society for Abandoned Animals Limited (SAA)


Partnering Organization: Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Hung Hom Community Living Room

Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs)


For those who complete the programme successfully and meet the attendance (at least 90% of total service hours) and performance requirements.

MU Global Citizenship Programme is an oversea community engagement tour during 2025 Summer. More details will be announced in early of 2025.

Service Period

Oct 2024 to May 2025
(The services are across the whole academic year)

Interview Arrangement

Shortlisted candidates will be invited to attend a face-to-face interview between 19 Sep and 24 Sep 2024.
Further details will be announced through student email by 13 Sep 2024.

Join NOW!

Application Deadline: 11 Sep 2024 (Wednesday)
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