Leadership Advancement Programme

Student Affairs Office Student Organisations Leadership Advancement Programme

Leadership Advancement Programme (Student Organisations)

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The Leadership Advancement (LA) Programme at Hong Kong Metropolitan University is designed to empower future leaders within student organisations by providing trainings on essential skills and knowledge for effectively governing student-led activities and societies. The LA Programme aims to equip students with the necessary tools to meet the moral and legal expectations of the social community, while fostering responsible and effective leadership within the university.

Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs)

1. To cultivate the righteous values and equip students with essential skills for organising inclusive and risk-free student-led activities
2. To facilitate students in setting goals, considering various perspectives and implementing effective plans to achieve society’s objectives in alignment with the community aspirations 
3. To help students gain insights into team dynamics and conflict resolution, fostering a positive and productive team environment

Leadership Advancement Series

Personal Development

To increase self-awareness and its important role in self-cultivation and building healthy relationships with the team and colleagues, as well as recognise different types of leadership.
To enhance presentation and communication skills in conducting student-led events to build confidence in public speaking.

Team Building and Leadership

Through the alumni sharing on the past experiences in managing societies and conducting events to inspire the current student leaders in goal setting, understanding roles and responsibilities of student leaders, the importance of self-governance and conflict management.
By engaging in challenging tasks to assist student leaders in overcoming obstacles, fostering teamwork, improving communication and interpersonal skills, and boosting confidence.
To equip student leaders with essential skills and knowledge in managing projects in applicable timelines and resources to achieve the societies’ target and planning.
To enhance abilities in event planning and evaluation, risk assessment and problem-solving by conducting a mock event led by our professional trainers.

Ethical Leadership and Responsible Governance

To enhance student leaders’ understanding of national values and foster a sense of national identity within the University community. 
Sharing by ICAC on integrity and the essential attributes in managing societal finances to cultivate ethical values in finance management among student leaders.
Training by professionals on the laws in Hong Kong, Basic Laws and the National Security Laws to enhance student leaders’ awareness in self behaviours and the governance of societies.
Through case sharing by professional trainers, nurture student leaders in organising inclusive and risk-free student-led activities in the sense of empathy and self-governance.
Mandatory training for student leaders to study the legal knowledge and case studies, to enhance students’ essential skills in preventing sexual harassment comprehensively, while also promoting empathy towards marginalized groups.  
To enhance governance efficiency in terms of administration, financial and human resources for student leaders within the student societies.

Tentative Timeline

Funding Support to Student Organisations

In addition to Annual Activity Funding, SAO offers supplementary funding for student societies to enrich students’ learning experiences both locally and globally. This funding supports large-scale activities that enhance campus engagement, instil positive energy, and foster values such as positivity, resilience, and a growth mindset. It also assists student leaders involved in society activities or SAO programmes in developing their leadership skills through global learning experiences.
This scholarship supports student societies in organising large-scale activities that:
  1. Enhance campus community engagement
  2. Instil positive energy within the campus community
  3. Nurture youth values such as positivity, resilience, a growth mindset, can-do spirits, and de-stressing
Applicants can receive up to $15,000, with a potential increase to $20,000 based on the number of applications and event nature (applicable only in 2024/2025).
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This subsidy supports you who have actively engaged in student society activities or SAO programmes to enhance their leadership qualities through global learning experiences.
  1. Each applicant is eligible to receive a subsidy for the learning tour.
  2. Covers up to 80% of the total cost or $10,000 per year, whichever is lower (applicable only in 2024/2025).
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Non-Academic Award for Student Leaders

To foster the recognition and encouragement of the diverse talents and skills within our student organisation, SAO offers the Award for Non-Academic Excellence to acknowledge and celebrate their contributions throughout the year.
The award aims to encourage students' whole-person development and to recognise students who have made significant accomplishments or contributions to the community (HKMU or locally or globally) and demonstrated excellence in leadership.
  1. Eligibility
    Applicants should be full-time undergraduate students who are student leaders actively organising activities for HKMUSU-affiliated student society or SAO Programmes. Application can only be submitted ONCE per academic year.
  2. Level of Award
    Each applicant is eligible to receive monetary award at a maximum of HK$10,000 to support them in participating in meaningful personal development activities such as symposium, cultural exchange programme, service-learning trip (applicable only in 2024/2025).
  3. Requirements
    Each applicant must have significant accomplishment or contributions to the community (HKMU or locally or globally) and demonstrate excellence in leadership such as being student leaders who actively organise activities for HKMUSU, HKMUSU-affiliated student society or SAO Programmes. Each applicant should achieve a CGPA of 2.5 or above at the time of application/recommendation.
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Event Highlights