D-Generation 社區創新大使計劃

Student Affairs Office D-Generation 社區創新大使計劃

D-Generation 社區創新大使計劃

想充實技能,擴闊視野?「D-Generation社區創新大使計劃」參考了 OECD、世界經濟論壇的未來技能框架,設計出一系列的跨界共學、協作及社區實習,助你實踐所學,裝備自己,參與社會。


Wish to upskill yourself and expand your horizon? “D-Generation Community Innovators Scheme” has designed the programme referring to OECD and Economic Forum's framework of skills for your future.
Through a series of cross-sector co-learning, collaborations and community projects, we also help you to implement what you learn, equip yourself and get your resume shine! Let's apply and prepare for your future!


立刻報名 Apply Now:https://www.d-generation.org/education/en/apply-now/