25 Nov 2017 (Sat)      Animation Trio shines at Golden Horse Awards
.style3 { font-size: large;}.style2 { text-decoration: underline;} Animation Trio shines at Golden Horse Awards Awardees: Shek Ka Chun, Wong Chun Long, Wong Tsz Ying Programme: Bachelor of Fine Arts with Honours in Animation and Visual Effects Competition: The 54th Golden Horse Awards Project: "Losing Sight of a Longed Place" Award: Best Animated Short Film Details: At this year's Golden Horse Awards Ceremony, three students from our Animation and Visual Effects programme won the "Best Animated Short Film" with their outstanding final year project entitled "Losing Sight of a Longed Place". The trio beat all their competitors from Taiwan and mainland China, and they are the first group of OUHK students to receivesuch an honour at this widely recognized film awards. Based on the true story of a young gay man Adam Wan, the award-winning animation attempts to prompt discussions on Hong Kong's sexual minority movement. It portrays how Adam fights for gay rights while struggling with the complicated relationship with his father. To view the trailer: www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ln9eaVFSQwc Media Coverage: TVB News ─ 三港青年憑動畫短片奪金馬獎 業界冀政府增資助 (2017.12.03) Stand News ─ 【專訪】同志平權動畫奪金馬獎 《暗房夜空》會成為三名港青的最後作品嗎? (2017.12.01) Ming Pao ─ 決心非主流手法鼓勵非主流 不理分數公大畢業作成金馬得獎片 (2017.11.28) 港學生奪最佳動畫短片 (2017.11.26) Sing Pao ─ 公開大學學生畢業動畫短片揚威金馬 (2017.11.26) Ta Kung Pao ─ 港公大畢業生獲動畫短片獎 (2017.11.26) SCMP ─ Hong Kong youngsters win Golden Horse award for short film about gay rights activist (2017.11.26) HK01 ─ 【金馬影2017】200呎工廈劏房畫出彩虹 最佳動畫呈現怎看待同志 (2017.12.01) 【金馬獎2017】公大生奪最佳動畫短片 校長黃玉山:為學生感驕傲 (2017.11.25) Apple Daily ─ 惠英紅憑《血觀音》奪金馬影后 (2017.11.26) 【金馬獎】7分45秒說同志運動 香港公開大學學生《暗房夜空》奪最佳動畫短片 (2017.11.25)