2024 HKMU Distance-learning Programmes Info Day Concluded Successfully

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The School of Open Learning (SOL) organized an Information Day for distance-learning programmes on 3 August 2024. The event attracted attendees who were interested in enrolling in the programmes.

During the event, Dr. Li Kam Cheong, Dean of School of Open Learning, warmly welcomed participants and provided an introduction to Hong Kong Metropolitan University (HKMU) and SOL. Attendees gained valuable insights into our distance-learning programmes, covering admission requirements, programme features and learning support.

Attendees also had the opportunity to participate in a campus tour, which provided them with an opportunity to explore HKMU's facilities and resources, including libraries and laboratories. The Registry also offered on-site consultation services and facilitated registrations for attendees on the day, assisting them to apply for advanced standing and admission.

Enrollment for the distance-learning programmes 2024 Autumn Term is now open. Please click the link below to learn more and enrol online on or before 18 August 2024.

Online application: https://admissions.hkmu.edu.hk/dl/