Dr Li Tao

Department of Social Sciences About People Faculty Dr Li Tao

Dr Li Tao


B.A. Peking University, M.A. Harvard University, Ph.D.Harvard University


Dr Tao LI is Associate Professor in the Department of Social Sciences at HKMU. He obtained a Ph.D. in Political Science (2005) and an M.A. in Statistics (2004) from Harvard University, as well as a B.A. in Political Science and Public Administration and a B.A. in Economics from Peking University (1999). Before coming to HKMU, Professor Li worked at Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, Peking University and University of Macau.
Professor Li studies evidence-based public policy. He has contributed to over twenty articles in esteemed journals across economics, public policy, and political science, including top 5% Scopus journals like Governance, Political Studies, Leadership Quarterly, Economic Journal, and the Journal of Public Economics. Professor Li's research examines how Chinese public policies and institutions shape social mobility and inclusiveness in areas such as migration, marriage, access to college, access to public-sector jobs, and intra-elite power sharing. His most recent research is set in the context of the global expansion of Chinese economic activities.

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