Overseas Summer School Programme

Department of Social Sciences Experiential Learning Overseas Summer School Programme

Introduction (for Social Sciences Student only)

Social Sciences students in recent years have shown great enthusiasm to travel outside Hong Kong to acquire first-hand immersion experiences in international events and participate in overseas exchange programmes. The Department of Social Sciences recognises the importance of these activities to broadening students' learning space and intellectual horizons, and strengthening their peer support culture. Also, the experiences gained will benefit students' future career development.

The Overseas Summer School Programme has been launched since 2019. For the 2024 summer, we have selected 40 summer school programmes offered by top universities around the world. Social Sciences Students in Year 2 to 4 with a GPA≥2.8 in the last academic year (2023-2024) shall be recommended for programme enrollment (if so required) and relevant financial assistantships offered by the HKMU or other funding bodies.