Bachelor of Social Sciences with Honours (3 credit-unit New Programme from 2023 Autumn)

Department of Social Sciences Programmes Undergraduate Bachelor of Social Sciences with Honours (3 credit-unit New Programme from 2023 Autumn)
Programme Title Bachelor of Social Sciences with Honours
Ageing Society and Services Studies
Applied Economics
Applied Social Studies
Global and China Studies
Politics and Public Administration
Programme Code
JS9009 (JUPAS)

Programme Introduction

The BSSc (Hons; 3 credit-unit New programme from 2023 Autumn) is a 4-year full-time programme offered by the School of Arts and Social Sciences. It aims to equip students with in-depth knowledge in a wide range of social science disciplines, critical and analytical thinking skills, and the abilities to conduct effective social research and serve the community in action. Through majoring in different social science streams, students learn specialised knowledge and practical skills in their areas of study. The programme is structured to also develop problem-solving skills, teamwork and peer leadership paving the way for graduates to continue postgraduate studies or to pursue careers in private and public sectors as well as other fields.
The BSSc(Hons) currently offers the following streams (majors): 
• Ageing Society and Services Studies
• Applied Economics
• Applied Social Studies
• Global and China Studies
• Politics and Public Administration

Programme Structure and Choice of Major in Social Sciences

JUPAS applicants will be considered for admission to first-year studies at Bachelor of Social Sciences with Honours. Students will enter a major after one year of study and follow the respective programme curriculum in Years 2 to 4.


Year 1 courses (for all Streams) 
 – Stream I: Ageing Society and  Services Studies
 – Stream II: Applied Economics
 – Stream III: Applied Social Studies (Specializations)
                  • Criminology
                  • Cultural and Heritage Studies
                  • Social Policy and Youth Studies
 – Stream IV: Global and China Studies
 – Stream V: Politics and Public Administration
  • Stream I
  • Stream II
  • Stream III
  • Stream IV
  • Stream V

Year 1

 Course codeCourse titleCredit-unit
Term 1ENGL 1101AEFUniversity English I Reading and Writing3
POLS 1001AEFFoundations of Social Sciences: Political Science3
PSYC 1001AEFFoundations of Social Sciences: Psychology3
STAT 2003AEFStatistics3
 University core and/or General Education courses3
Term 2ENGL 1102AEFPresentation Skills3
ECON 1001AEFFoundations of Social Sciences: Economics3
SOCI 1001AEFFoundations of Social Sciences: Sociology3
 University core and/or General Education courses6
By the end of Year 1 study, students are required to declare which streams they would like to pursue in Years 2 to 4. They will follow the respective programme curriculum in Years 2 to 4.

Stream I: Ageing Society and Services Studies

Year 2

 Course codeCourse titleCredit-unit
Term 1SOSC 2001AEFIntroduction to Gerontology3
STAT 2002AEFEssentials of Quantitative Research Inquiry3

6 credit-units of two major elective courses:

COUN 2002AEF /

ECON 2001AEF /

POLS 2003AEF /

PSYC 2001AEF /


Theories in Counselling and Mental Health /

Introduction to Microeconomics /

Introductory Comparative Politics /

Positive Psychology and Mental Health /

Youth, Work and the New Economy

 University core and/or General Education courses3
Term 2SOCI 2004AEFSocial Problems and Social Issues3
STAT 2001AEFEssentials of Qualitative Research Inquiry3
SOSC 3001AEFApplied Nutrition in Ageing3

3 credit-units of major elective course:

ECON 2002AEF /

PUAD 2001AEF /

SOCI 2003AEF /


Introduction to Macroeconomics /

Introduction to Public Administration /

Popular Culture in Contemporary Society: East Asian Perspective /


 University core and/or General Education courses3


Year 3

 Course codeCourse titleCredit-unit
Term 1PSYC 3010AEFSocial Psychology3
SOCI 3007AEFSocial Policy and Social Administration3
SOSC 3002AEFLeisure and Ageing3
 Elective course in social sciences area3
 University core and/or General Education courses3
Term 2ECON 3009AEFThe Economics of Health and Long Term Care3
SOCI 3001AEFAgeing: Issues and Perspectives3
SOCI 3008AEFUnderstanding Chinese Society3
SOSC 3003AEFPractical Skills in Social Services I3
 Elective course in social sciences area3


Year 4

 Course codeCourse titleCredit-unit
Term 1PUAD 3001AEFPublic Sector Management3
SOCI 4004AEFHealth, Illness and Services for an Ageing Society3
SOCI 4006AEFHong Kong Society3
SOSC 4002AEFPractical Skills in Social Services II3
 Elective course in social sciences area3
Term 2PSYC 4010AEFPsychology of Ageing3
SOCI 4003AEFFamily, Gender and Sexuality3
SOSC 4001AEFDeath, Dying and Memorization3
 Two elective courses in social sciences area6




Year 1

 Course codeCourse titleCredit-unit
Term 1ENGL 1101AEFUniversity English I Reading and Writing3
POLS 1001AEFFoundations of Social Sciences: Political Science3
PSYC 1001AEFFoundations of Social Sciences: Psychology3
STAT 2003AEFStatistics3
 University core and/or General Education courses3
Term 2ENGL 1102AEFPresentation Skills3
ECON 1001AEFFoundations of Social Sciences: Economics3
SOCI 1001AEFFoundations of Social Sciences: Sociology3
 University core and/or General Education courses6
By the end of Year 1 study, students are required to declare which streams they would like to pursue in Years 2 to 4. They will follow the respective programme curriculum in Years 2 to 4.

Stream II: Applied Economics

Year 2

 Course codeCourse titleCredit-unit
Term 1ECON 2001AEFIntroduction to Microeconomics3
SOSC 2002AEFLogic3
STAT 2002AEFEssentials of Quantitative Research Inquiry3

3 credit-units of major elective course:

GCST 2001AEF /

POLS 2003AEF /

PSYC 2001AEF /


Elementary Diplomacy and International Law /

Introductory Comparative Politics /

Positive Psychology and Mental Health /

Essentials of Sociological Inquiry (Contemporary)

 University core and/or General Education courses3
Term 2ECON 2002AEFIntroduction to Macroeconomics3
SOSC 2003AEFMathematics for Social Sciences3
STAT 2001AEFEssentials of Qualitative Research Inquiry3

3 credit-units of major elective course:

ECON 2003AEF /

POLS 2001AEF /

PUAD 2001AEF /


Introduction to China and Regional Development /

Introduction to International Relations /

Introduction to Public Administration /

Social Problems and Social Issues

 University core and/or General Education courses3


Year 3

 Course codeCourse titleCredit-unit
Term 1ECON 3001AEFIntermediate Microeconomics3
ECON 3002AEFIntermediate Macroeconomics3
ECON 3003AEFIntroductory Econometrics3
ECON 3006AEFEconomic Growth and Development3
 Elective course in social sciences area3
Term 2ECON 3004AEFManagerial Economics3
ECON 3005AEFApplied Economics in Public Policy Analysis3
ECON 3007AEFGlobal Political Economy3
 Two elective courses in social sciences area6


Year 4

 Course codeCourse titleCredit-unit
Term 1ECON 4004AEFInternational Finance3
ECON 4005AEFInternational Trade3
ECON 4007AEFMoney, Banking and Financial Markets3

3 credit-units of major elective course:

ECON 3008AEF /


Hong Kong Economic System /

Economic Crises and Depressions

 Elective course in social sciences area3
Term 2ECON 3009AEFThe Economics of Health and Long Term Care3
ECON 4001AEFEconometrics and Forecasting3
ECON 4003AEFIndustrial Organization3
ECON 4006AEFLabour Economics3
 Elective course in social sciences area3

Year 1

 Course codeCourse titleCredit-unit
Term 1ENGL 1101AEFUniversity English I Reading and Writing3
POLS 1001AEFFoundations of Social Sciences: Political Science3
PSYC 1001AEFFoundations of Social Sciences: Psychology3
STAT 2003AEFStatistics3
 University core and/or General Education courses3
Term 2ENGL 1102AEFPresentation Skills3
ECON 1001AEFFoundations of Social Sciences: Economics3
SOCI 1001AEFFoundations of Social Sciences: Sociology3
 University core and/or General Education courses6
By the end of Year 1 study, students are required to declare which streams they would like to pursue in Years 2 to 4. They will follow the respective programme curriculum in Years 2 to 4.

Stream III-A: Applied Social Studies (with no specialisation)

Year 2

 Course codeCourse titleCredit-unit
Term 1SOCI 2001AEFEssentials of Sociological Inquiry (Classical)3
STAT 2002AEFEssentials of Quantitative Research Inquiry3

6 credit-units of major elective courses:

COUN 2002AEF /

ECON 2001AEF /

POLS 2003AEF /

PSYC 2001AEF /


Theories in Counselling and Mental Health /

Introduction to Microeconomics /

Introductory Comparative Politics /

Positive Psychology and Mental Health /

Youth, Work and the New Economy

 University core and/or General Education courses3
Term 2SOCI 2002AEFEssentials of Sociological Inquiry (Contemporary)3
SOCI 2004AEFSocial Problems and Social issues3
STAT 2001AEFEssentials of Qualitative Research Inquiry3

3 credit-units of major elective course:

ECON 2002AEF /

PUAD 2001AEF /

SOCI 2003AEF /


Introduction to Macroeconomics /

Introduction to Public Administration /

Popular Culture in Contemporary Society: East Asian Perspective /


 University core and/or General Education courses3


Year 3

 Course codeCourse titleCredit-unit
Term 1PSYC 3010AEFSocial Psychology3
SOCI 3003AEFCultural Tourism and Society3
SOCI 3006AEFPerspectives and Issues on Crime3
 Elective course in social sciences area3
 University core and/or General Education courses3
Term 2SOCI 3004AEFGlobalization, Social Policy and Everyday Life3
SOCI 3008AEFUnderstanding Chinese Society3
SOSC 3003AEFPractical Skills in Social Services I3
 Major elective course3
 Elective course in social sciences area3


Year 4

 Course codeCourse titleCredit-unit
Term 1PUAD 3001AEFPublic Sector Management3
SOCI 4002AEFEthnicity, Nationalism and Multiculturalism in a Globalizing World3
SOCI 4004AEFHealth, Illness and Services for an Ageing Society3
SOCI 4006AEFHong Kong Society3
 Elective course in social sciences area3
Term 2ECON 3007AEFGlobal Political Economy3
SOCI 4003AEFFamily, Gender and Sexuality3
SOCI 4008AEFPerspectives and Issues on Contemporary Urban Development3
 Two elective courses in social sciences area6

Stream III-B: Applied Social Studies (with specialisation in Criminology)

Year 2

 Course codeCourse titleCredit-unit
Term 1SOCI 2001AEFEssentials of Sociological Inquiry (Classical)3
STAT 2002AEFEssentials of Quantitative Research Inquiry3

6 credit-units of major elective courses:

COUN 2002AEF /

ECON 2001AEF /

POLS 2003AEF /

PSYC 2001AEF /


Theories in Counselling and Mental Health /

Introduction to Microeconomics /

Introductory Comparative Politics /

Positive Psychology and Mental Health /

Youth, Work and the New Economy

 University core and/or General Education courses3
Term 2SOCI 2002AEFEssentials of Sociological Inquiry (Contemporary)3
SOCI 2004AEFSocial Problems and Social issues3
STAT 2001AEFEssentials of Qualitative Research Inquiry3

3 credit-units of major elective course:

ECON 2002AEF /

PUAD 2001AEF /

SOCI 2003AEF /


Introduction to Macroeconomics /

Introduction to Public Administration /

Popular Culture in Contemporary Society: East Asian Perspective /


 University core and/or General Education courses3


Year 3

 Course codeCourse titleCredit-unit
Term 1PSYC 3001AEFAbnormal Psychology3
SOCI 3006AEFPerspectives and Issues on Crime3
SOCI 3009AEFYouth and Crime3
 Elective course in social sciences area3
 University core and/or General Education courses3
Term 2SOCI 3004AEFGlobalization, Social Policy and Everyday Life3
SOCI 3008AEFUnderstanding Chinese Society3

3 credit-units of major elective course:

SOCI 3001AEF /


Ageing: Issues and Perspectives /

Practical Skills in Social Services I

 Two elective courses in social sciences area6


Year 4

 Course codeCourse titleCredit-unit
Term 1PSYC 3010AEFSocial Psychology3
PSYC 4003AEFCriminal Psychology3
SOCI 4002AEFEthnicity, Nationalism and Multiculturalism in a Globalizing World3
SOCI 4006AEFHong Kong Society3
 Elective course in social sciences area3
Term 2SOCI 4001AEFCrime Control and Punishment3
SOCI 4003AEFFamily, Gender and Sexuality3
SOCI 4008AEFPerspectives and Issues on Contemporary Urban Development3
SOCI 4009AEFYouth Studies and Social Policy3
 Elective course in social sciences area3

Stream III-C: Applied Social Studies (with specialisation in Cultural and Heritage Studies)

Year 2

 Course codeCourse titleCredit-unit
Term 1SOCI 2001AEFEssentials of Sociological Inquiry (Classical)3
STAT 2002AEFEssentials of Quantitative Research Inquiry3

6 credit-units of major elective courses:

COUN 2002AEF /

ECON 2001AEF /

POLS 2003AEF /

PSYC 2001AEF /


Theories in Counselling and Mental Health /

Introduction to Microeconomics /

Introductory Comparative Politics /

Positive Psychology and Mental Health /

Youth, Work and the New Economy

 University core and/or General Education courses3
Term 2SOCI 2002AEFEssentials of Sociological Inquiry (Contemporary)3
SOCI 2004AEFSocial Problems and Social issues3
STAT 2001AEFEssentials of Qualitative Research Inquiry3

3 credit-units of major elective course:

ECON 2002AEF /

PUAD 2001AEF /

SOCI 2003AEF /


Introduction to Macroeconomics /

Introduction to Public Administration /

Popular Culture in Contemporary Society: East Asian Perspective /


 University core and/or General Education courses3


Year 3

 Course codeCourse titleCredit-unit
Term 1SOCI 3003AEFCultural Tourism and Society3
SOCI 3005AEFMobility, Place and Culture3
 Two elective courses in social sciences area6
 University core and/or General Education course3
Term 2SOCI 3001AEFAgeing: Issues and Perspectives3
SOCI 3002AEFBorders, Culture and Development3
SOCI 3004AEFGlobalization, Social Policy and Everyday Life3
SOCI 3008AEFUnderstanding Chinese Society3
 Elective course in social sciences area3


Year 4

 Course codeCourse titleCredit-unit
Term 1PUAD 3001AEFPublic Sector Management3
SOCI 4002AEFEthnicity, Nationalism and Multiculturalism in a Globalizing World3
SOCI 4005AEFHeritage Preservation in Hong Kong3
SOCI 4006AEFHong Kong Society3
 Elective course in social sciences area3
Term 2ECON 3007AEFGlobal Political Economy3
SOCI 4003AEFFamily, Gender and Sexuality3
SOCI 4007AEFMemory, Culture and Society3
SOCI 4008AEFPerspectives and Issues on Contemporary Urban Development3
 Elective course in social sciences area3


Stream III-D: Applied Social Studies (with specialisation in Social Policy and Youth Studies)

Year 2

 Course codeCourse titleCredit-unit
Term 1SOCI 2001AEFEssentials of Sociological Inquiry (Classical)3
STAT 2002AEFEssentials of Quantitative Research Inquiry3

6 credit-units of major elective courses:

COUN 2002AEF /

ECON 2001AEF /

POLS 2003AEF /

PSYC 2001AEF /


Theories in Counselling and Mental Health /

Introduction to Microeconomics /

Introductory Comparative Politics /

Positive Psychology and Mental Health /

Youth, Work and the New Economy

 University core and/or General Education courses3
Term 2SOCI 2002AEFEssentials of Sociological Inquiry (Contemporary)3
SOCI 2004AEFSocial Problems and Social issues3
STAT 2001AEFEssentials of Qualitative Research Inquiry3

3 credit-units of major elective course:

ECON 2002AEF /

PUAD 2001AEF /

SOCI 2003AEF /


Introduction to Macroeconomics /

Introduction to Public Administration /

Popular Culture in Contemporary Society: East Asian Perspective /


 University core and/or General Education courses3


Year 3

 Course codeCourse titleCredit-unit
Term 1PSYC 3010AEFSocial Psychology3
SOCI 3007AEFSocial Policy and Social Administration3
SOCI 3009AEFYouth and Crime3
 Elective course in social sciences area3
 University core and/or General Education course3
Term 2SOCI 3001AEFAgeing: Issues and Perspectives3
SOCI 3004AEFGlobalization, Social Policy and Everyday Life3
SOCI 3008AEFUnderstanding Chinese Society3
SOSC 3003AEFPractical Skills in Social Services I3
 Elective course in social sciences area3


Year 4

 Course codeCourse titleCredit-unit
Term 1PUAD 3001AEFPublic Sector Management3
SOCI 4002AEFEthnicity, Nationalism and Multiculturalism in a Globalizing World3
SOCI 4006AEFHong Kong Society3
 Two elective courses in social sciences area6
Term 2ECON 3007AEFGlobal Political Economy3
SOCI 4003AEFFamily, Gender and Sexuality3
SOCI 4008AEFPerspectives and Issues on Contemporary Urban Development3
SOCI 4009AEFYouth Studies and Social Policy3
 Elective course in social sciences area3

Year 1

 Course codeCourse titleCredit-unit
Term 1ENGL 1101AEFUniversity English I Reading and Writing3
POLS 1001AEFFoundations of Social Sciences: Political Science3
PSYC 1001AEFFoundations of Social Sciences: Psychology3
STAT 2003AEFStatistics3
 University core and/or General Education courses3
Term 2ENGL 1102AEFPresentation Skills3
ECON 1001AEFFoundations of Social Sciences: Economics3
SOCI 1001AEFFoundations of Social Sciences: Sociology3
 University core and/or General Education courses6
By the end of Year 1 study, students are required to declare which streams they would like to pursue in Years 2 to 4. They will follow the respective programme curriculum in Years 2 to 4.

Stream IV: Global and China Studies

 Year 2

 Course codeCourse titleCredit-unit
Term 1GCST 2001AEFElementary Diplomacy and International Law3
POLS 2002AEFIntroduction to Political Philosophy3
POLS 2003AEFIntroductory Comparative Politics3
STAT 2002AEFEssentials of Quantitative Research Inquiry3
 University core and/or General Education courses3
Term 2ECON 2003AEFIntroduction to China and Regional Development3
POLS 2001AEFIntroduction to International Relations3
STAT 2001AEFEssentials of Qualitative Research Inquiry3
 Elective course in social sciences area3
 University core and/or General Education courses3


Year 3

 Course codeCourse titleCredit-unit
Term 1GCST 3002AEFInternational Organizations and Global Governance3
GCST 3004AEFPolitics and International Relations in East Asian Region3

6 credit-units of major elective courses:

ECON 3006AEF /

GCST 3003AEF /

GCST 4004AEF /


Economic Growth and Development /

International Security and War /

Social and Cultural Development in Southeast Asia /

Global Justice

 Elective course in social sciences area3
Term 2

9 credit-units of major elective courses:

GCST 3001AEF /

POLS 3001AEF /

SOCI 3008AEF /


American Politics and Foreign Policy /

Chinese Foreign Policy /

Understanding Chinese Society /

Theories of International Relations

 Two elective courses in social sciences area6
Term 3 (Summer)N/ASummer Sojourn / Internship / Language Intensive Course (Putonghua/Cantonese + second foreign language)6


Year 4

 Course codeCourse titleCredit-unit
Term 1GCST 4003AEFRising Powers in the Developing World3
SOCI 4002AEFEthnicity, Nationalism and Multiculturalism in a Globalizing World3
 Elective course in social sciences area3
Term 2GCST 4001AEFChina and Global Governance3
GCST 4002AEFNon/Post-Western International Relations3
GCST 4006AEFThe Greater Bay and Global Megalopolises in the Era of Great Transformation3

3 credit-units of major elective course:

ECON 3007AEF /

POLS 3001AEF /

POLS 3003AEF /

GCST 4005AEF /


Global Political Economy /

Chinese Foreign Policy /

Contemporary Chinese Politics /

Special Topics in Global and China Studies /

Theories of International Relations

 Elective course in social sciences area3


Year 1

 Course codeCourse titleCredit-unit
Term 1ENGL 1101AEFUniversity English I Reading and Writing3
POLS 1001AEFFoundations of Social Sciences: Political Science3
PSYC 1001AEFFoundations of Social Sciences: Psychology3
STAT 2003AEFStatistics3
 University core and/or General Education courses3
Term 2ENGL 1102AEFPresentation Skills3
ECON 1001AEFFoundations of Social Sciences: Economics3
SOCI 1001AEFFoundations of Social Sciences: Sociology3
 University core and/or General Education courses6
By the end of Year 1 study, students are required to declare which streams they would like to pursue in Years 2 to 4. They will follow the respective programme curriculum in Years 2 to 4.

Stream V: Politics and Public Administration

Year 2

 Course codeCourse titleCredit-unit
Term 1POLS 2002AEFIntroduction to Political Philosophy3
POLS 2003AEFIntroductory Comparative Politics3
STAT 2002AEFEssentials of Quantitative Research Inquiry3
 Elective course in social sciences area3
 University core and/or General Education courses3
Term 2POLS 2001AEFIntroduction to International Relations3
PUAD 2001AEFIntroduction to Public Administration3
STAT 2001AEFEssentials of Qualitative Research Inquiry3
 Elective course in social sciences area3
 University core and/or General Education courses3


Year 3

 Course codeCourse titleCredit-unit
Term 1POLS 3002AEFCivil Society and Governance3
POLS 3004AEFHong Kong Government and Politics3
PUAD 3001AEFPublic Sector Management3
SOCI 3007AEFSocial Policy and Social Administration3
 Elective course in social sciences area3
Term 2ECON 3005AEFApplied Economics in Public Policy Analysis3
POLS 3001AEFChinese Foreign Policy3
POLS 3003AEFContemporary Chinese Politics3
POLS 3005AEFPolitical Psychology3
 Elective course in social sciences area3


Year 4

 Course codeCourse titleCredit-unit
Term 1POLS 4002AEFComparative Democratization3
POLS 4007AEFPolitical Analysis3
POLS 4008AEFSelected Topics in Contemporary Hong Kong Politics3
PUAD 4001AEFPublic Policy Studies3

3 credit-units of major elective course:

POLS 4004AEF /

POLS 4005AEF /

POLS 4006AEF /


Final Year Internship in Politics and Public Administration /

Final Year Research Project in Politics and Public Administration (Term 1) /

Global Justice /

Seminar on Conflict Resolution of Major Political Controversies

Term 2ECON 3007AEFGlobal Political Economy3
POLS 4001AEFComparative Authoritarianism3
POLS 4003AEFContemporary Political Theory3
POLS 4010AEFTheories of International Relations3



3 credit-units

Final Year Research Project in Politics and Public Administration (Term 2) OR

Elective course in social sciences area


Admission Requirements

To be considered for admission to this programme, students shall have to satisfy the General Admission Requirements (JUPAS Applicants / Non-JUPAS Local Applicants / Mainland Applicants / Overseas Applicants).
There are no specific subject requirements for this programme.
Interview requirement:    No

Career Prospects

The programme is structured to pave the way for graduates to continue postgraduate studies or to pursue careers in a wide range of fields, including the public sector, non-government organisations, advocacy groups, international organisations, cultural institutions, media and communication sectors, and the commercial sectors.

Further Studies

Graduates can also pursue postgraduate studies in different social disciplines.



Programme Leader
Dr Raymond KWONG
Tel: 2768 5739
Co-Programme Leader
Dr CHAN Wai Leung
Tel: 2768 5737
Full-time Social Sciences Programme Team
Tel: 2768 5721 / 2768 5733
Stream Leader: Ageing Society and Services Studies
Dr Chan Wai Yin
E-mail: 2768 6510
Co-Stream Leader: Ageing Society and Services Studies
Mr FUNG Cheuk Ki
Tel: 2768 5707
Stream Leader: Applied Economics
Dr Arbitor Yiu Chung MA
Tel: 2768 5725
Stream Leader: Applied Social Studies
Dr Beatrice Oi Yeung LAM
Tel.: 2768 5863
Stream Leader: Global and China Studies
Dr Walter Wan Fai LEE
Tel: 2768 5861
Stream Leader: Politics and Public Administration
Dr James Floyd DOWNES
Tel: 2768 5751