Workshops on Teaching of Consumer Psychology by Virtual Reality Technique

社会科学系 Experiential Learning Quality Enhancement Support Scheme Training Workshop Workshops on Teaching of Consumer Psychology by Virtual Reality Technique

Training Workshop

Workshops on Teaching of Consumer Psychology by Virtual Reality Technique

Two workshops on teaching consumer psychology were organized for students and faculty members respectively to introduce both the theories and practical skills on social psychology, particularly consumer behaviors through the VR videos and graphic design.
The following topics were covered in the workshops.
  • ・Introduction and comparison of theories in consumer psychology using a traditional descriptive video and VR videos
  • ・Further elaboration of the theories and principles of consumer behaviors using the VR videos
  • ・Demonstration and practice of a software for making posters to apply the concept of consumer psychology using visual aids
Practice of making posters can not only enhance technical skills of participants but also help reinforce their understanding of theories and concepts of consumer psychology by integrating the theories in the design of marketing materials.