Dr Law Lok Yin

社会科学系 学院简介 People Faculty Dr Law Lok Yin
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Dr Law Lok Yin


PhD Nanyang Technological University


Dr Law Lok Yin is an Assistant Professor of Social Sciences and Research Fellow of Public and Social Policy Research Centre at the School of Arts and Social Sciences, The Open University of Hong Kong. Before that, he completed his PhD in Chinese (Humanities) at Nanyang Technological University, MA in Comparative and Public History at The Chinese University of Hong Kong and his undergraduate studies at Hong Kong Baptist University. His research interests include history of Sino-Korean relations, Cultural History of East Asia, History and Culture of Hong Kong & Cultural Pluralism in Hong Kong. His researches can be found in the international academic journals of Singapore, Hong Kong, Korea, Italy, Taiwan and Mainland China. He is also a guest host of history talk show and travel program in RTHK 31 TV.

Teaching Areas & Research Interests

  • Culture & History of Hong Kong
  • East Asian cultural interaction
  • History of Chinese culture
  • History of Pre-modern Korea
  • Macao Studies
  • Ming-Qing History
  • Sino-Korean relations (particularly Qing- Chosŏn Relations)

Academic & Professional Experience

Grant & Funding
  • Principal Investigator, Survey of Enriching Intangible Cultural Heritage Inventory of Hong Kong, Intangible Cultural Heritage Office, HKSAR, HK$503,800, 2020-2022.
  • Principal Investigator, Survey of Koreanists/Korean Studies of Digitalization of Source Support, Academy of Korean Studies, “Survey of Studies of Korean History and Culture in Hong Kong from 1950s”, USD$9,000, 2016-2017.
Previous Academic Experiences
  • 2018 – 2019  Visiting Instructor (Full-time) Department of History, University of Macau
  • 2017 Lecturer (Part-time) Hong Kong Studies Programme & Korean Studies Programme, School of Modern Languages and Cultures, University of Hong Kong
  • 2016 – 2017 Lecturer (Part-timeCollege of International of Education, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong
  • 2014 – 2017 Lecturer (Part-time) School of Arts and Social Sciences, The Open University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
  • 2014 Lecturer (Part-time) International Summer School, Chonbuk National University, Korea
  • 2014 Instructor (Part-timeLi Ka Shing Institute of Professional and Continuing Education, The Open University of Hong Kong

Selected Publications

Book Chapters
  • “漫畫、體育與社會形態——東亞足球漫畫的面相 Comics, Sports & Social Formation: Images of Soccer Comics in East Asia.” 東張西望:文圖學與亞洲視界 Looking East & West: Text and Images Studies and Perspective of Asia edited by Lo-fen I, 75-102. Singapore: Global Publishing, 2019.
  • (With Kong Lingli) “南洋的五四--排日?、新文化?20世紀的南洋華人對五四的反應 May Fourth in Nanyang: Anti-Japan? New Culture? Nanyang Chinese's Reaction on May Fourth in the 20th century. ” 五四百周年—— 啟蒙、記憶與開新 Hundred Years of May Fourth: Enlightenment, Memory & Open-mindedness edited by Kai-wing Chow, Chi-kong Lai & Chi-kin Au, 356-376. Hong Kong: Chunghwa Book, 2019.
  • “作為東亞文化交流媒介的朝鮮譯官──以朝鮮中葉的金指南家族為研究個案 Chosŏn Interpreters as East Asian Cultural Interaction Agency: Based on the Case of Kim Chi-nam's Family.” In 東亞世界:政治、軍事、文化 East Asian World: Politics, Military and Culture, edited by Kai-wing Chow & Wing-chung Fan, 223-266. Hong Kong: Joint Publishing, 2014.
Journal Articles
  • 從南來到國際化——香港的漢籍流傳、整理與收藏史 From South-coming to Internationalization: History of Chinese Classics' Circulation, Collation and Collection in Hong Kong.” 東亞漢學研究 East Asian Journal of Sinology 14(2020): 47-104.
  • “朝鮮漢語譯官與中朝文化交流網絡的構築——以李尚迪與阮堂《歲寒圖》的關係為研究中心Chosŏn Interpreters of Chinese and Constructing Network of Sino-Chosŏn Cultural Interaction: Case Study of the Relationship between Yi Sang-jŏk and Wandong Sehando)” 中國文化研究學報 Journal of Chinese Studies 70(2020): /-/ Forthcoming
  • “博約與專業——新加坡的華文教育與中國大學教育的關聯性Extensiveness and Professionalization: Relationship between University Education in China and Chinese Language (Huawen) Education in Singapore” 南洋學報 Journal of South Seas Society 73(2019): 179-205.
  • “文化南來與新加坡華文教育的形塑——以香港大學與馬大(新大)中文系關係為研究個案 Cultural South Coming and the Shaping of Singapore Chinese Education Case Study of the Relationship between Department of Chinese, HKU and University of Malaya (Singapore)” 教育學報Journal of Educational Studies 14.3(2018): 111-119. (CSSCI 中文社會科學引文索引)
  • “東亞文化圈視野下朝鮮後期對澳門的認知 Late Chosŏn's Understanding on Macau under the Perspective of East Asian Cultural Interaction.” 成大歷史學報 Cheng Kung Journal of Historical Studies 50(2016): 1-36. (THCI 人文學核心期刊)
  • “朝鮮時代漢語教科書與譯官赴華使行知識的掌握——以《象院題語》為研究中心 Brief Study of Chinese Text Books and Interpreters' Understanding of Chinese Culture during Chosŏn Dynasty.” 域外漢籍研究集刊Journal of Overseas Chinese Classics 13(2016): 133-156. (CSSCI中文社會科學引文索引)
  • “東亞文化交流視野下的朝鮮譯官角色──以譯官金指南的活動為中心 The Role of Chosŏn Interpreter by the Perspectives of East Asian Cultural Interaction: The Study of Kim Chi-nam's Activities.” 東洋學 Oriental Studies 62(2016): 55-76. (KCI 韓國學術誌引用索引)
  • “二戰後香港的韓國歷史與文化研究回顧與展望 Looking to the Past for a Way Forward: A Review of Korean Studies in Post-war HK.” 慶南學 Kyǒngnam Studies 34(2015): 1-54.
  • “朝鮮燕行使視野下的乾隆禁教期間耶穌會士──以洪大容的《湛軒燕記》為研究對象 Jesuits during Qianlong Persecution of Christians Period in the View of Chosŏn Yŏnhaengsa: Case Study of Hong Tae-yong's Tamhŏn Yŏnki.” Ming Qing Yanjiu 19 (2015): 111-144.
  • “燕行使團擔任文化媒介的朝鮮譯官──以金慶門(1673-1737年)為研究中心 Chosŏn Official Interpreters as Cultural Agents in the Mission to Beijing—Case Study of Kim Kyŏng-mun (1673-1737).” 漢學研究Chinese Studies 33.3(2015): 345-378. (THCI)
  • “Kim Wŏn-haeng's Intellectual Influences on Hong Tae-yong: The Case of Relations between Nakhak and Pukhak.” International Journal of Korean History 20.2(2015): 121-152. (KCI)
  • “Hong Kong Citizens' Understanding for Islam: Based on the Case of the Sheung Shui Mosque Development Project.” Asian Anthropology 14.1 (2015): 57-66. (Taylor & Francis)
  • “漢語與事大:從朝鮮的漢語翻譯人材培訓看其對明政策的轉變 Chinese Langauge and Serving the Great: The Training of Chosǒn Interpreters of Chinese Language and the Transformation of Chosǒn's Diplomatic Policy to Ming Dynasty.” 漢學研究集刊 Yuntech Journal of Chinese Studies 19(2014): 109-136.
  • “開港前朝鮮知識份子對西洋地理的認知與考辨──以李圭景和其《五洲衍文長箋散稿》為研究中心 The Understanding and Anlaysis of Western Geographical Knowledge of Chosŏn Intellectuals before 1876 Ports Opening: Based on the Case Study of I Guy-gyeong and his 'Ojuyeonmunjangjeonsango'.” 동서인문 Journal of East-West Humanities 2(2014): 105-130.
  • “作為媒介的燕行使──柳厚祚1866年的燕行與朝鮮開港前的東北亞資訊認知 Yeonhaengsa as agents: The 1866 Mission of Yu Hu-jo and the Northeast Asian Understanding of Chosŏn before Ports Opening.” 한국학논집 Keimyung Korean Studies Journal. 53(2013): 393-417. (KCI)
  • “清代朝鮮人的西洋觀的形成──以洪大容燕行為研究中心 The Formation of Chosŏn People's Western View During Qing Dynasty: Based on Hong Dae-yong's Beijing Travel Case.” 台灣東亞文明研究學刊 Taiwan Journal of East Asian Studies 10.1(2013): 299-345. (THCI)
  • “乾隆禁教期的耶穌會士在華活動──以劉松齡為研究中心 The Activities of the Jesuits in Qianlong persecution of Christians period: based on Ferdinand Augustin Hallerstein case.”中國史研究 The Journal of Chinese Historical Researches 82(2013):93-114. (KCI)

Selected Professional & Community Services

  • Committee Member, Qing History Society (Singapore)
  • Guest Host, RTHK 31 Talk Show: History Night(五夜講場:歷史係咁話) & History on the Go: Korea (韓國乾坤四維遊)
  • Guest Host, RTHK Radio 5: Radio Programme: Real Hong Kong (認真香港)