Dr Stephan Ortmann

社會科學系 學院簡介 People Faculty Dr Stephan Ortmann
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Dr Stephan Ortmann



Dr Stephan Ortmann received his PhD in Political Science from the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg in 2008. His research has focused on comparative politics, especially Hong Kong, Singapore, China and Vietnam. He has worked on the question of regime change, civil society, identity politics, and environmental governance. Currently, he is working on research dealing with environmental activism in Vietnam and Hong Kong as well as the political transformation of Hong Kong.
In 2018, while working at City University of Hong Kong, Ortmann received a GRF grant for his project “Environmental Protests and Political Change in Authoritarian Regimes: The Case of Vietnam” worth HKD944,552. The project focused on environmental protests in Vietnam primarily through reports in the Vietnamese press. As a Communist one-party state, the Vietnamese government controls the media and thus reports about protests are an important indicator of toleration and concern with rising environmental problems. The research built on his book Environmental Governance in Vietnam: (Palgrave Macmillan 2017).
Stephan Ortmann is an active member of the research community. He works as a region expert of Hong Kong for the Varieties of Democracy (V-Dem) project and as a Singapore country expert for the Bertelsmann Foundation. He writes a biannual report for the Bertelsmann Transformation Index (BTI). He has also been in local and international media commenting on Hong Kong and Singapore political issues.

Selected Publication


Ortmann, Stephan and Mark R. Thompson (eds.). 2020. China's 'Singapore Model' and Authoritarian Learning. London: Routledge.
Ortmann, Stephan. 2017. Environmental Governance in Vietnam: Institutional Reforms and Failures. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.
Ortmann, Stephan. 2010. Politics and Change in Singapore and Hong Kong: Containing Contention. London and New York: Routledge.

Journal Articles

Ortmann, Stephan. 2022. “Liberal Vestiges in an Illiberal Regime: The Case of Singapore,” Society, ahead-of-print.
Ortmann, Stephan. 2021. “Hong Kong's constructive identity and political participation: Resisting China's blind nationalism,” Asian Studies Review, 45:2, pp. 306-324.
Ortmann, Stephan. 2019. “Contentious politics and democratization in Hong Kong: Explaining growing demands for self-determination”, Asian Education and Development Studies, 9:4, pp. 547-557.
Thompson, Mark R., and Stephan Ortmann. 2018. “Mis-Modelling Singapore: China's Challenges in Learning from the City-State,” The China Quarterly, 236, pp. 1014-1032.
Yang, Kai, and Stephan Ortmann. 2018. “From Sweden to Singapore: The Relevance of Foreign Models for China's Rise,” The China Quarterly, 236, pp. 946-967.
Ortmann, Stephan. 2016. “Political Development in Hong Kong: The Failure of Democratization,” Asian International Studies Review, 17:2, pp. 199-219.
Ortmann, Stephan. 2016. “The lack of sovereignty, the Umbrella Movement, and democratisation in Hong Kong,” Asia Pacific Law Review, 24:2, pp. 108-122.
Ortmann, Stephan and Mark R. Thompson. 2016. “China and the 'Singapore model’”, Journal of Democracy, 27:1, pp. 39-48.
Ortmann, Stephan. 2015. “The Umbrella Movement and Hong Kong's Protracted Democratization Process,” Asian Affairs, 46:1, pp. 32-50.
Ortmann, Stephan. 2015. “Political Change and Civil Society Coalitions in Singapore,” Government and Opposition, 5:1, pp. 119-139.
Ortmann, Stephan. 2014. “The Significance of By-elections for Political Change in Singapore's Authoritarian Regime,” Asian Survey, 54:4, pp. 725–748.

 Further information:

 Personal homepage: https://sites.google.com/site/ortmannstephan/home
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=sdiJQJAAAAAJ&hl=en