Workshop on Community Records and Art Creation

社會科學系 Experiential Learning Quality Enhancement Support Scheme Training Workshop Workshop on Community Records and Art Creation

Training Workshop

Workshop on Community Records and Art Creation

Two workshops on community records and art creation were organized for students and staff to encourage them to understand Hong Kong Society from different perspectives.
The workshops were divided into three main parts to provide comprehensive training for the students to investigate interesting parts of our local community:
•“Introduction of theory” – Introduction of different ways of gathering community records and presenting the findings through the creation of art pieces;
•“Research” – Participants visited and interviewed members of the local community to gather elements, materials and information; and
•“Art Creation” – Participants gained hands-on experience in creating art pieces to present their findings.
Apart from understanding the local community, the staff also explored different interactive ways for teaching during the workshop.
In the workshop, the participants were encouraged to enhance their awareness of the local community and get themselves engaged.