Two Web Technologies Teams won awards at the Kinect Creativity Development Competition (Kinect創意程式開發大賽)

School of Science and Technology Two Web Technologies Teams won awards at the Kinect Creativity Development Competition (Kinect創意程式開發大賽)
Two Web Technologies Teams won awards at the Kinect Creativity Development Competition (Kinect創意程式開發大賽)

July 2014

S&T Full-time Computing-Web Technologies Year 4 students Andy Tsui, Ng Wing Hoi, and So Chung Hei won first-runner up prize with their “Intelligent Work Desk System” and Year 3 students Rita Leung, Li Kin Lun, and Dave Fung won second runner-up prize with their “KinectSmart: Smart Home and Security” system in the Kinect Creative System Development Competition, which is co-organized by Microsoft HK and HKFYG Media 21. Special thanks to Dr. Jeff Tang of CIHE for his guidance and encouragement.

There were 4 OUHK Computing teams participated in the competition. Three of them were shortlisted in the final 10 teams.

電腦學系的同學在「Kinect創意程式開發大賽」中創出佳績。萬維網科技畢業年隊伍徐俊怡、吳泳海、蘇仲熙憑「智能辦公桌系統」奪取銀獎,而三年級生 梁楚怡、李健麟、馮國豪完成的「KinectSmart智能家居保安系統」則獲得銅獎。此比賽是由Microsoft HK及香港青年協會賽馬會Media 21媒體空間合辦。特別感謝明愛專上學院的Dr. Jeff Tang的指導及鼓勵。

共有四隊OUHK Computing同學參賽,有三隊進入決賽最後十強。