The HKIE Environmental Division Annual Forum 2023

School of Science and Technology The HKIE Environmental Division Annual Forum 2023

The HKIE Environmental Division Annual Forum 2023

Climate Governance towards Net-Zero Energy and Mobility in Hong Kong:
Engineering Challenges and Innovation Opportunities

Date: 20 April 2023
Time: 9:00 - 17:00
Venue: 1/F Grand Ballroom I-III Crowne Plaza Hong Kong Kowloon East


At the 27th Conference of Parties (COP27) to the United Nations Framework Conven- tion on Climate Change in Sharm-el-Sheikh (Egypt), nations launched the Adaption Agenda and Implementation Plan, aiming to accelerate global climate action through emissions reduction, enhanced adaption efforts and flows of green and sustainable finance. Agreed salient items include strengthening efforts to establish a dedicated fund for loss & damage, maintaining a clear intention to keep the global temperature increase within 1.50C, holding accountable businesses and institutions, mobilizing more financial support for developing countries and making the pivot toward implementation.

Regarding the complex challenges of simultaneously dealing with multiple stressors relating to climate change, the COP27 also highlighted the need of scaling-up the role of engineering knowledge in informing actions and decisions on resilience and sustainability. As such, engineering sector especially environmental professional exper- tise is directly invested in the outcome of COP27, not only because engineering solu- tions are crucial for achieving net zero targets but boosting green engineering innova- tion momentum is also imperative for ensuring a sustainable future.

In this context, this forum aims to discuss and share knowledge, expertise and experi- ences on the role of engineers in a new eco-system that could help Hong Kong’s net zero transition. It will focus on Engineering challenges and innovation opportunities in three sessions: 1) Driving Net-Zero Transition in Power Generation Sector; II) Scaling-up Actions for Building Energy Consumption towards Net-Zero; and III) Roadmap for Net-Zero Mobility/Road Transport System.