
科技学院 电子工程与计算器科学系 电脑系 课程 全日制课程 五学分制 电脑科学荣誉理学士


  • Overview
  • Curriculum
  • Study Plan
  • Admission


The Bachelor of Science with Honours in Computer Science programme (BSCHCSJ/JUPAS JSSU72) aims to produce graduates to be computing professionals with the breadth of understanding of theories and practices in the field of computer science.

The study pathway of this programme will allow students to explore all aspects of computing, as well as specialized topics such as artificial intelligence and smart technologies.

This programme provides multiple entry points: Year 1 Entry through JUPAS or Direct Application and Senior Year Entry through Direct Application at the HKMU website.

Entry Points Application Methods Code
Year 1 Entry JUPAS / Direct Application # JSSU72 / BSCHCSJ1 #
Senior Year Entry Direct Application BSCHCSJS for Year 2 and 3 Entry

#Students who are not sitting the HKDSE this year and have an equivalent qualification such as IB or GCE-A Level should apply through [Direct Application].

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of the BSCHCSJ programme, students should be able to:

  • Utilize computer programming for problems solving and software development.
  • Communicate technical information capably and engage in a collaborative software development environment effectively.
  • Analyze problems critically and formulate solutions with techniques in computer science for various industries.
  • Perform competently the work of a professional in computing and IT industry.
  • Engage effectively in projects involving the integration of techniques in computing and IT applications.

Graduates of HKMU Computing are renowned in the IT industry for their good work ethics, broad technical competence, and being well versed in software development and system integration tools. They are found in major IT companies, public organizations, and large and small startups, using their knowledge and skills to contribute to the local innovative economy.

Student Achievements

HKMU Computing Graduates regularly show their strength in problem solving and academic paper writing in inter-varsity contests and competitions. Since 2010, they have won over 30 prizes and awards, affirming their competitiveness among the UGC universities.

Please refer to the Student Achievements or Best Projects page for more details.

Career Prospects

Graduates are qualified to work as professional software developers, software engineers, mobile application developers, AI and machine learning designers. The training received by the graduates would allow them to continuously develop their professional skills in selected areas such as AI, data mining and cyber security. They would also acquire skills and knowledge of the business and industrial world beneficial for possible future promotion to a managerial or leadership position.

The training received by the graduates would allow them to continuously develop their technical skills in selected areas. They would also acquire skills and knowledge of the business and industrial world beneficial for possible future promotion to a managerial or leadership position.

Further Studies

Graduates of this programme have been admitted to various postgraduate programmes in local and overseas universities. Graduates may choose to study for a postgraduate degree in an advanced area in computing and information technology, or in other areas for the broadening of their exposure and skill set. Some of them are also pursuing for a doctoral research degree.


Department of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science

Tel: 3120 2504

Email: cteam@hkmu.edu.hk

Programme Leader

Dr. Au Yeung Siu Kei Jeff

Tel: 3120 2606

Email: jauyeung@hkmu.edu.hk

MUHK Students Showcasing their Innovation at the InnoTech Expo

MUHK InnoAward 2019

Students presenting their research work at a conference

Programme Structure

The 4-year programme consists of a balanced set of subject-area courses, language courses, and general education courses.

Core Courses: Provide training in some of the major pillars in modern computing: processing of information, networking of information, and management of information.

Include programming, software development, software engineering, computing infrastructure, and databases.

CodeTitleCreditsCourse LevelHonours Classification
IT 1020SEFComputing Fundamentals3Foundation

The aim of this course is to introduce a number of basic concepts concerning computing and information technology.

This course takes students to a data-centric point of view of computer systems: how computer processes data to produce useful information, how meanings are represented with data symbols, and how real world data is captured into digital form.

The course also explains how different parts of a computer can work together so that it can perform tasks defined by computer programs.


CodeTitleCreditsCourse LevelHonours Classification
IT 1030SEFIntroduction to Internet Application Development3Foundation

The aim of this course is to introduce the fundamental skills in web programming for developing internet applications. This course focuses on data processing with small-scale computer programs.

It provides students some ideas about data input and output, data operations, and features and structures of computer programs.

Students will also gain experience of the stages in software development, and especially software testing and debugging.

The course also gives an overview of human-computer interaction and security issues of internet application development.

Core Courses: Provide training in some of the major pillars in modern computing: processing of information, networking of information, and management of information.

Include programming, software development, software engineering, computing infrastructure, and databases.

CodeTitleCreditsCourse LevelHonours Classification
COMP 2020SEFJava Programming Fundamentals3Middle

Java is one of the most popular languages in the IT professional world. The aim of this course is to provide students with sound foundation in software development using the object-oriented programming language Java.

The course will cover fundamental object-oriented programming concepts such as classes and objects, and the structure of text-based Java applications.

Students will study how to analyze problems and apply object-oriented methodology in software development.


CodeTitleCreditsCourse LevelHonours Classification
COMP 2080SEFIntroduction to Computer Programming3Middle

This is intended to be a first course in computer programming. In this course, students will study how to write computer programs in the Python language to solve simple computing problems.

Students will use fundamental programming and data containers to ease programming effort and to allow writing larger programs to solve problems. Topics include variables, operators, control structures, arrays and strings.


CodeTitleCreditsCourse LevelHonours Classification
COMP 2090SEFData Structures, Algorithms, and Problem Solving3Middle

As a sequel to COMPS208F, the aim of this course is to facilitate students to acquire skills for writing larger programs effectively.

Students will study how program structures, software development process, data structures, and algorithms can be used to deal with larger programming tasks. Topics include modular programming, abstract data types, searching and sorting, recursion, and data structures such as linked lists, binary trees, and hash-tables.


CodeTitleCreditsCourse LevelHonours Classification
COMP 2640SEFDiscrete Mathematics3Middle

The aim of this course is to lay the foundation of discrete mathematics of students which will be used in studying other more advanced programming courses.

Students will study the concepts of discrete mathematics, using different techniques for analysing and solving discrete mathematical problems. Topics include sets, functions, equivalence and induction.


CodeTitleCreditsCourse LevelHonours Classification
COMP 2650SEFDesign and Analysis of Algorithms3Middle

The aim of this course is to introduce the algorithms in various domains, and techniques for designing efficient algorithms.

It trains student the ability to analyze the time and space complexity and correctness of algorithms and skills to design solutions to problems. Topics include regular and context-free languages and finite and pushdown automata, and the Turing machine.


CodeTitleCreditsCourse LevelHonours Classification
COMP 2660SEFComputer Architecture3Middle

The aim of this course is to equip students with the fundamentals of the design of computer systems and their major components.

The course begins with a discussion of how to represent data in computer systems and then moves onto the design of a simple programmable computer system. Techniques for improving various aspects of computer system performance will be discussed in the second half of the course.

Major topics include data representation, computer system design, instruction execution model, memory, input/output system, pipelining, and instruction set design.

Advisory Pre-requisites: Students should have completed a number of foundation and middle level computing courses to have adequate background in general computing knowledge.


CodeTitleCreditsCourse LevelHonours Classification
COMP 2670SEFOperating Systems3Middle

The aim of this course is to equip students with knowledge about the design of operating systems for the management of system resources.

Students will be allowed to study various methods and algorithms for effectively managing major computing resource types including processors, main memory, and input output devices. Major topics include structure of operating systems, process management, concurrency, synchronization and deadlock, memory management, and input/output management.

Advisory Pre-requisites: Students should have completed a number of foundation and middle level computing courses to have adequate background in general computing knowledge.

Core Courses: Provide training in some of the major pillars in modern computing: processing of information, networking of information, and management of information.

Include programming, software development, software engineering, computing infrastructure, and databases.

CodeTitleCreditsCourse LevelHonours Classification
COMP 3120SEFJava Application Development3Higher

This course aims to enable students to create maintainable software in Java to meet a great variety of computing requirements.

This course covers more advanced concepts in object-oriented programming and also more advanced Java technologies for developing sophisticated applications. Through concepts such as reuse, abstraction, encapsulation, inheritance and polymorphism, students should be able to more capably handle higher problem complexity in their programming work. Students will also study how to develop applications with multithreading, networking and security support in Java.

Advisory Pre-requisites: Students should have some background in Java.


CodeTitleCreditsCourse LevelHonours Classification
COMP 3130SEFMobile Application Programming3Higher

The course aims to provide students with a foundation in designing and developing Android applications. Students will study the architecture of the Android platform, design and implement basic Android applications, and apply Android APIs in mobile programming.

Advisory Pre-requisites: Students should have completed most foundation and middle level computing programming courses.


CodeTitleCreditsCourse LevelHonours Classification
COMP 3200SEFDatabase Management3Higher –

This course aims to provide an explanation of the concepts underlying all relational databases as well as practical experience in applying the concepts in different situations.

Students should develop knowledge about the role of databases and database management systems within the context of information systems. Students should also develop skills in using the database language SQL. Major topics include database environment, database architectures, relational model and database design.

Advisory Pre-requisites: Students should have completed most foundation and middle level computing programming courses.


CodeTitleCreditsCourse LevelHonours Classification
COMP 3500SEFSoftware Engineering3Higher

he course aims to develop in learners the terminology, notations and understanding needed for effective communication with team members during software engineering activities. It also aims to equip learners with the skills to apply software engineering methods and tools in a variety of situation.

Advisory Pre-requisites: Students should have completed most foundation and middle level computing programming courses.


CodeTitleCreditsCourse LevelHonours Classification
COMP 3800SEFWeb Applications: Design and Development3Higher

This course aims to enable students to develop web applications based on mainly Java technologies and the three-tier architecture.

Students should be able to describe essential protocols & technologies for web applications, and apply major models and frameworks for web application development. Major topics include features and models of web applications, mark-up languages, development of web applications with Java technologies such as Java server pages, servlets, database connectivity, and frameworks for boosting productivity.

The topics may include HTTP protocol, markup languages, server-client architectures, Java web application technologies, database connectivity, and web application development with Spring framework.

Advisory Pre-requisites: Students should have completed most foundation, middle and higher level computing courses, especially higher level Java programming course.


CodeTitleCreditsCourse LevelHonours Classification
COMP 3810SEFServer-side Technologies and Cloud Computing3Higher

This course introduces some of the contemporary techniques, technologies and tools for designing, constructing and deploying flexible server-side Internet applications.

One of the main focuses of this course is to explain and demonstrate the use of cloud computing technologies. Students will learn how to design, construct and deploy scalable and cost-effective applications that are readily deployable on commercial cloud platforms.

The topic may include tools for cloud app development, essential cloud technologies such as linux & git, NoSQL, server-side scripting, server-side MVC, service-oriented architecture, RESTful web services, virtualization, cloud computing concept, service and pricing models, writing and deploying cloud apps.

Advisory Pre-requisites: Students should have completed most foundation, middle and higher level computing courses.

Elective and Project Courses: Expose students to specialized topics related to Internet Technology.

The final year project courses provide an opportunity to develop in-depth knowledge and high-level thinking process in a research and development project or an advanced software development project.

CodeTitleCreditsCourse LevelHonours Classification
COMP 4560SEFSoftware System Development Project6Higher

This is a project course. Students will attempt a final year project which should provide an opportunity to integrate knowledge and skills acquired in the programme of study. Students will normally form a team to handle one project. Performance will be assessed both at the project level and the individual level.

After the course, students should be able to explain the current state of development in the application domain similar to his or her project area, to design, propose, implement and evaluate software system solutions. Students should also be able to collaboratively manage a software system development project and to write effective project reports.

Mandatory Pre-requisites:

Please be mindful that students must (1) pass at least 20 credits of COMP3120SEF, COMP3130SEF, COMP3200SEF, COMP3210SEF, COMP3500SEF and/or COMP3510SEF, and (2) have completed at least 63 credits for Year 1 entry, 42 credits for Year 2 entry and 18 credits for Year 3 entry students respectively.

Elective and Project Courses: Expose students to specialized topics related to Internet Technology. The final year project courses provide an opportunity to develop in-depth knowledge and high-level thinking process in a research and development project or an advanced software development project.
Code Title Credits Course Level Honours Classification
COMP 3210SEF Advanced database and Data Warehousing 3 Higher
As a sequel to COMPS320F, this course aims to provide students with more advanced concepts of relational databases and more practical experience in different situations. Students will study more advanced concepts and theories about relational databases. Major topics include Entity-Relation model, normalization, transaction management, and other advanced topics.
Advisory Pre-requisites: Students should have completed most foundation and middle level computing courses.
Code Title Credits Course Level Honours Classification
COMP 3330SEF Advanced Programming and AI Algorithm 3 Higher
This course aims to introduce basic concepts and algorithms of artificial intelligence (AI) and to facilitate students to develop advanced programming skills to tackle sophisticated problems, especially using AI algorithms and techniques. Students will be able to explain the capabilities, strengths and limitations of various AI techniques, as well as AI algorithms and their applications. Students also learn how to apply AI algorithms and programming methods to solve real world problems, and write programs to implement the devised algorithmic solutions.
Code Title Credits Course Level Honours Classification
COMP 3510SEF Software Project Management 3 Higher
As a sequel to COMPS350F, This course aims to develop in learners the know-how of project management recognized as good practices in software development.
Advisory Pre-requisites: Students are expected to have completed at least two semester courses in computer programming and COMP S350F Software Engineering.
Code Title Credits Course Level Honours Classification
COMP 3620SEF Concurrent and Networks Programming 3 Higher
This course develops in students’ ability to write programs that can run on computer networks. Students will improve their productivity as network programmers by learning programming frameworks and advanced programming language features. The topics may include basic networking concepts, multi-threaded programming, web services, regular expressions, recursion, Lambda expression, map/reduce paradigm, aspect-oriented programming, message queues, etc.
Advisory Pre-requisites: Students should have completed most foundation, middle and higher level computing courses.
Code Title Credits Course Level Honours Classification
COMP 3630SEF Distributed Systems and Parallel Computing 3 Higher
The aim of this course is to develop in students’ knowledge and skills in the development of distributed systems and parallel programs. It covers major parallel programming approaches and describes how to model parallel programs with various tools. It also takes students through case studies such as web services and Hadoop. The topics may include distributed systems concepts, Erlang programming language and its Open Telecom Platform (OTP), hot code swapping, Hadoop and MapReduce, unconventional DB, Petri nets, clock synchronization, global state detection and election algorithms.
Pre-requisites: Students are expected to have completed three semester courses or more using any programming languages. Students are recommended to have taken COMP S362F Concurrent and Network Programming though motivated individuals without S362F will still be able to handle this course.
Code Title Credits Course Level Honours Classification
COMP 3820SEF Data Mining and Analytics 3 Higher
This course introduces the key concepts, techniques and tools that would allow hidden patterns of data to be uncovered. Key topics of this course include: data warehousing, the data mining process, classification, regression, clustering and association mining. Students will learn how to apply this knowledge to solving typical data mining problems through case studies of real-world applications of data mining techniques. The topics may include data mining and data warehousing concepts, data mining process and software, classification and regression methods, clustering algorithms, and association rule mining.
Advisory Pre-requisites: Students should have completed most foundation, middle and higher level computing courses.
Code Title Credits Course Level Honours Classification
COMP 3900SEF Creative Programming for Games 3 Higher
This course aims to develop the students’ capabilities in applying programming skills to develop serious games and creative applications. The course consists of three parts. The first part will teach students how to generate interactive and algorithmic graphics using a game engine. The second part discusses various theories and issues in designing a serious game. The third part introduces various technologies and techniques for enhancing the user experience, which includes using sensors to orient a device in physical space and to interact with game objects. The course will enable students to design and develop serious games and creative applications with an appropriate integration of programming skills and techniques.
Code Title Credits Course Level Honours Classification
COMP 4920SEF Machine Learning 3 Higher
This course aims to introduce students to the field of machine learning, and develop them to apply machine learning algorithms to real-world problems. It enables students to have a broad overview of different machine learning and deep learning algorithms with a focus of applying these algorithms into real-world problems through practical activities.
Advisory Pre-requisites: Students should have a solid background in computing.
Code Title Credits Course Level Honours Classification
ELEC 3050SEF Computer Networking 3 Higher
This course aims to introduce the concepts and fundamental design principles of modern computer networking in a top-down approach, focusing on the Internet’s architecture and protocols. The lecture begins at the application layer and working its way down toward the data link layer of the computer network reference model. The topics may include delay and loss in packet switched networks, protocol layered architecture, application layer HTTP, transport layer TCP, UDP, network layer routing, addressing, link layer switching, multiple access protocols, MAC addresses and Ethernet.
Advisory Pre-requisites: Students should have completed most foundation, middle and higher level computing courses.
Code Title Credits Course Level Honours Classification
ELEC 3480SEF IOT Security 3 Higher
This course aims to introduce students to the concepts of discovering vulnerability, risk assessments, researching in and recommending risk mitigation strategies for common security threats in Internet of Things (IoT) systems. Students will be able to use industry-standard models to explain security requirements in IoT systems, and IoT security risks in an industry sector. Students will also learn to evaluate physical device / communication / application security vulnerabilities in IoT systems, and design threat mitigation measures based on threat modeling and risk management frameworks. Topics include IoT Security Challenges, IoT systems and architectures, IoT Device Layer Attack, Communication Layer Attack, Application Layer Attack, vulnerability and risk assessment in an IoT System.
Code Title Credits Course Level Honours Classification
ELEC 3710SEF Digital Forensics 3 Higher
This course will cover the fundamentals of computer forensics and investigations. Topics include historical and current digital forensics; a systematic approach to computer investigations; digital forensics, email and image file analysis; and guidelines for writing digital forensics reports. Various forensic tools will be used during the laboratory sessions of the course.
Advisory Pre-requisites: Students should have completed most foundation, middle and higher level computing courses and should have a solid knowledge in networking or have completed ELEC 3050SEF.
Code Title Credits Course Level Honours Classification
ELEC 4250SEF Computer and Network Security 3 Higher
This course intended for senior students. This course covers principles of computer systems and network security. This courses also discuss various attack techniques and how to defend against them. Topics include network attacks and defenses, malware and social engineering attacks, host security, application security, network security, data security, access control and authentication, and cryptography and encryption.
Advisory Pre-requisites: Students should have completed most foundation, middle and higher level computing courses and should have a solid knowledge in networking or have completed ELEC 3050SEF.
Code Title Credits Course Level Honours Classification
ELEC 4310SEF Blockchain Technologies 3 Higher
This course introduces the concepts and applications of blockchain technologies, explains their potential impacts on different industries, and explores the latest techniques of permissionless and permissioned blockchains. Students will learn practical development skills in the two popular blockchain platforms (Ethereum and Hyperledger fabric) to understand blockchain programming and application development.
Code Title Credits Course Level Honours Classification
IT 2900SEF Human Computer Interaction & User Experience Design 3 Higher
This course consists of two parts. In the first part, students will learn the important theories that underpin the way humans interact with computer-based systems. In the second part, students will learn how to use disciplined approaches to (a) design usable and intuitive interfaces for computer-based systems, and (b) evaluate and compare different interface design with respect to their usability and intended user/business requirements. This course introduces students to the key concepts, theories and best practices used by user experience engineers to design usable interfaces and improve the quality of interaction with computer-based systems.
Code Title Credits Course Level Honours Classification
STAT 2610SEF Data Analytics with Applications 3 Higher
This course aims to introduce a range of topics and concepts related to the data science process. Students will learn what Data Science is and the skill sets needed to be a data scientist, how to use R to carry out basic statistical modeling and analysis. Students will also learn the significance of exploratory data analysis (EDA) in data science, the Data Science Process and how its components interact.

Other Activities: In addition to the development of technical knowledge and skills, students are expected to develop their soft skills such as teamwork and communication.

Students are encouraged to participate in various contests, seminars, and workshops for sharpening their competitiveness.

CodeTitleCreditsCourse LevelHonours Classification
ENGL 1101AEF3Foundation
ENGL 1202EEF3Foundation

Other Activities: In addition to the development of technical knowledge and skills, students are expected to develop their soft skills such as teamwork and communication.

Students are encouraged to participate in various contests, seminars, and workshops for sharpening their competitiveness.

CodeTitleCreditsCourse LevelHonours Classification
Course List3Depends on selection
Course List3Depends on selection

Study Plan

  • Year 1 Entry
  • Year 2 Entry
  • Year 3 Entry

Students admitted at the Year 1 Entry Point are required to complete 160 credits and of which no more than 40 credits should be taken at foundation level during the nominal 4-year study period for the degree of Bachelor of Science with Honours in Computer Science.

Categories Weightings
Core Computing Courses 75 Credits
Project Courses and Elective Courses 40 Credits
Outside-discipline Courses 15 Credits
English Enhancement Courses 10 Credits
General Education Courses 20 Credits
Total 160 Credits
  • Year 1
  • Year 2
  • Year 3
  • Year 4
CodeTitleCategoryCreditsCourse LevelHonours Classification
IT S102FComputing FundamentalsCore5Foundation-
COMP S208FIntroduction to Computer ProgrammingCore5Middleb
COMP S209FData Structures, Algorithms and Problem SolvingCore5Middleb
MATH S141FAlgebra and CalculusOD5Foundation-
 English Enhancement CourseENG5Depends on selection-
 English Enhancement CourseENG5Depends on selection-
 General Education CourseGE5--
 General Education CourseGE5--
Code Title Category Credits Course Level Honours Classification
IT S103F Introduction to Internet Application Development Core 5 Foundation -
COMP S202F Java Programming Fundamentals Core 5 Middle b
COMP S264F Discrete Mathematics Core 5 Middle b
COMP S266F Computer Architecture Core 5 Middle b
COMP S267F Operating Systems Core 5 Middle b
STAT S261F Data Analytics with Applications OD 5 Middle b
General Education Course GE 5 - -
General Education Course GE 5 - -
Code Title Category Credits Course Level Honours Classification
COMP S265F Design and Analysis of Algorithms Core 5 Middle b
COMP S312F Java Application Development Core 5 Higher a or b
COMP S313F Mobile Application Programming Core 5 Higher a or b
COMP S320F Database management Core 5 Higher a or b
COMP S350F Software Engineering Core 5 Higher a or b
COMP S380F Web Applications: Design and Development Core 5 Higher a or b
COMP S381F Server-side Technologies and Cloud Computing Core 5 Higher a or b
IT S290F Human Computer Interaction and User Experience Design OD 5 Middle b
Code Title Category Credits Course Level Honours Classification
COMP S456F Software System Development Project Project 10 Higher a
Elective Course Elective 5 Higher a or b
Elective Course Elective 5 Higher a or b
Elective Course Elective 5 Higher a or b
Elective Course Elective 5 Higher a or b
Elective Course Elective 5 Higher a or b
Elective Course Elective 5 Higher a or b
The programme requirements & the courses on offer are subject to amendment

Students admitted at the Year 2 Entry Point are required to complete 72^ credits of which no more than 12 credits should be taken at Foundation level during the nominal 3-year study period for the degree of Bachelor of Science with Honours in Computer Science.

^Note: A student who does not have sufficient mathematics and/or IT background may be required to take extra courses, IT S102F and/or MATH S141F. Thus, such student may be required to complete a total of 130 credits in order to fulfil programme requirements.

Core Computing Courses42 Credits
Project Courses and Elective Courses24 Credits
Outside-discipline Courses6 Credits
English Enhancement Courses6 Credits
Total78 Credits
  • Year 2
  • Year 3
  • Year 4
CodeTitleCategoryCreditsCourse LevelHonours Classification
IT 1030SEFIntroduction to Internet Application DevelopmentCore3Foundation-
COMP 2020SEFJava Programming FundamentalsCore3Middle-
COMP 2080SEFIntroduction to Computer ProgrammingCore3Middle-
COMP 2090SEFData Structures, Algorithms and Problem SolvingCore3Middle-
COMP 2640SEFDiscrete MathematicsCore3Middle-
COMP 2660SEFComputer ArchitectureCore3Middle-
COMP 2670SEFOperating SystemsCore3Middle-
STAT 2610SEFData Analytics with ApplicationsOD3Middle-
CodeTitleCategoryCreditsCourse LevelHonours Classification
COMP 2650SEFDesign and Analysis of AlgorithmsCore3Middle-
COMP 3120SEFJava Application DevelopmentCore3Higher-
COMP 3130SEFMobile Application ProgrammingCore3Higher-
COMP 3200SEFDatabase managementCore3Higher -
COMP 3500SEFSoftware EngineeringCore3Higher -
COMP 3800SEFWeb Applications: Design and DevelopmentCore3Higher -
COMP 3810SEFServer-side Technologies and Cloud ComputingCore3Higher -
IT 2900SEFHuman Computer Interaction and User Experience DesignOD3Middle -
CodeTitleCategoryCreditsCourse LevelHonours Classification
COMP 4560SEFSoftware System Development ProjectProject6Higher-
 Elective CourseElective3Higher -
 Elective CourseElective3Higher -
 Elective CourseElective3Higher -
 Elective CourseElective3Higher -
 Elective CourseElective3Higher -
 Elective CourseElective3Higher -
The programme requirements & the courses on offer are subject to amendment

Students admitted at the Year 3 Entry Point are required to complete 48 credits during the nominal 2-year study period for the degree of Bachelor of Science with Honours in Computer Science.

Core Computing Courses21 Credits
Project Courses and Elective Courses24 Credits
Outside-discipline Courses3 Credits
Total48 Credits
  • Year 3
  • Year 4
CodeTitleCategoryCreditsCourse LevelHonours Classification
COMP 2650SEFDesign and Analysis of AlgorithmsCore3Middle -
COMP 3120SEFJava Application DevelopmentCore3Higher -
COMP 3130SEFMobile Application ProgrammingCore3Higher -
COMP 3200SEFDatabase managementCore3Higher -
COMP 3500SEFSoftware EngineeringCore3Higher -
COMP 3800SEFWeb Applications: Design and DevelopmentCore3Higher -
COMP 3810SEFServer-side Technologies and Cloud ComputingCore3Higher -
IT 2900SEFHuman Computer Interaction and User Experience DesignOD3Middle -
CodeTitleCategoryCreditsCourse LevelHonours Classification
COMP 4560SEFSoftware System Development ProjectProject6Higher -
 Elective CourseElective3Higher -
 Elective CourseElective3Higher -
 Elective CourseElective3Higher -
 Elective CourseElective3Higher -
 Elective CourseElective3Higher -
 Elective CourseElective3Higher -
The programme requirements & the courses on offer are subject to amendment



For existing students

The program is supported by Non-means-tested Subsidy Scheme (NMTSS). Eligible students will receive $33,200 subsidy per annum. Please refer to NMTSS's website for eligibility and more information.

For new students

Starting from 2023 admission, the programme is included in the Study Subsidy Scheme for Designated Professions/Sectors (SSSDP) instead of NMTSS. Eligible students will receive $44,240 subsidy per annum.

This SSSDP programme normally admits students through JUPAS. The JUPAS code has be changed from JS9718 to JSSU72.

Please refer to SSSDP's website for eligibility and more information.

Senior Year Entry

For Senior Year entry students, they may supported by Non-means-tested Subsidy Scheme (NMTSS). Eligible students will receive $33,200 subsidy per annum.

Please refer to NMTSS's website for eligibility and more information.


This programme provides multiple entry points: Year 1 Entry through JUPAS or Direct Application and Senior Year Entry through Direct Application at the HKMU website.

Entry Points Application Methods Code
Year 1 Entry JUPAS / Direct Application # JSSU72 / BSCHCSJ1 #
Senior Year Entry Direct Application BSCHCSJS for Year 2 and 3 Entry

#Students who are not sitting the HKDSE this year and have an equivalent qualification such as IB or GCE-A Level should apply through [Direct Application].

Admission Requirements

JUPAS Admission

Students should normally have attained in the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE) Examination results of Level 3 or above in Chinese and English, as well as Level 2 or above in Mathematics, Liberal Studies and an elective subject.

All courses are weighted the same. Please refer to JUPAS website for more JUPAS admission information

First Year Tuition Fee *

The amount of subsidy for the JSSU72 programme under the SSSDP is HK$44,950 per annum while NMTSS is HK$33,200 per annum. The subsidy is tenable for the normal duration of the study programme concerned and is subject to the students' satisfactory fulfilment for progression in the study programme. The government's terms and conditions apply.

Tuition Fee after subsidy:

First Year HK$34,610* HK$45,120*
Total (4-Years) HK$138,440* HK$180,480*

*Please refer to the JUPAS page for updates and details.

*The estimated tuition fees listed above are for reference only. Tuition fees are charged according to the number of course credits taken by a student. A student will normally take 40 credits in an academic year.

*The subsidy is tenable for the normal duration of the study programme concerned and is subject to the students' satisfactory fulfilment for progression in the study programme

Senior Year Entry

Entry Points Admission Requirements
Year 2 Recognized Associate Degree/Higher Diploma in any area
Year 3 Recognized Associate Degree/Higher Diploma in computing or a closely related area

Admission Application

Students interested in this programme should apply through non-JUPAS Direct Application. The programme code is BSCHCSJS for both Year 2 and Year 3 entry.

Please refer to the program's website for below or more information

  • Application Procedures
  • Online Application
  • Tuition Fees, Scholarships and Financial Assistance

Scholarships and Awards

Full-time MUHK Computing students with outstanding academic performance and other achievements may be nominated for scholarships and other awards in a competitive manner.

Jonathan Chiu
Marketing Director
3DP Technology Limited

Jonathan handles all external affairs include business development, patents write up and public relations. He is frequently interviewed by media and is considered a pioneer in 3D printing products.

Krutz Cheuk
Biomedical Engineer
Hong Kong Sanatorium & Hospital

After graduating from OUHK, Krutz obtained an M.Sc. in Engineering Management from CityU. He is now completing his second master degree, M.Sc. in Biomedical Engineering, at CUHK. Krutz has a wide range of working experience. He has been with Siemens, VTech, and PCCW.

Hugo Leung
Software and Hardware Engineer
Innovation Team Company Limited

Hugo Leung Wai-yin, who graduated from his four-year programme in 2015, won the Best Paper Award for his ‘intelligent pill-dispenser’ design at the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineering’s International Conference on Consumer Electronics – China 2015.

The pill-dispenser alerts patients via sound and LED flashes to pre-set dosage and time intervals. Unlike units currently on the market, Hugo’s design connects to any mobile phone globally. In explaining how it works, he said: ‘There are three layers in the portable pillbox. The lowest level is a controller with various devices which can be connected to mobile phones in remote locations. Patients are alerted by a sound alarm and flashes. Should they fail to follow their prescribed regime, data can be sent via SMS to relatives and friends for follow up.’ The pill-dispenser has four medicine slots, plus a back-up with a LED alert, topped by a 500ml water bottle. It took Hugo three months of research and coding to complete his design, but he feels it was worth all his time and effort.

Hugo’s public examination results were disappointing and he was at a loss about his future before enrolling at the OUHK, which he now realizes was a major turning point in his life. He is grateful for the OUHK’s learning environment, its industry links and the positive guidance and encouragement from his teachers. The University is now exploring the commercial potential of his design with a pharmaceutical company. He hopes that this will benefit the elderly and chronically ill, as well as the society at large.

Soon after completing his studies, Hugo joined an automation technology company as an assistant engineer. He is responsible for the design and development of automation devices. The target is to minimize human labor and increase the quality of products. He is developing products which are used in various sections, including healthcare, manufacturing and consumer electronics.

Course Code Title Credits
  COMP S321F Advanced Database and Data Warehousing 5
  COMP S333F Advanced Programming and AI Algorithms 5
  COMP S351F Software Project Management 5
  COMP S362F Concurrent and Network Programming 5
  COMP S363F Distributed Systems and Parallel Computing 5
  COMP S382F Data Mining and Analytics 5
  COMP S390F Creative Programming for Games 5
  COMP S492F Machine Learning 5
  ELEC S305F Computer Networking 5
  ELEC S348F IOT Security 5
  ELEC S371F Digital Forensics 5
  ELEC S431F Blockchain Technologies 5
  ELEC S425F Computer and Network Security 5
 Course CodeTitleCredits
 ELEC S201FBasic Electronics5
 IT S290FHuman Computer Interaction & User Experience Design5
 STAT S251FStatistical Data Analysis5
 Course CodeTitleCredits
 COMPS333FAdvanced Programming and AI Algorithms5
 COMPS362FConcurrent and Network Programming5
 COMPS363FDistributed Systems and Parallel Computing5
 COMPS380FWeb Applications: Design and Development5
 COMPS381FServer-side Technologies and Cloud Computing5
 COMPS382FData Mining and Analytics5
 COMPS390FCreative Programming for Games5
 COMPS413FApplication Design and Development for Mobile Devices5
 COMPS492FMachine Learning5
 ELECS305FComputer Networking5
 ELECS363FAdvanced Computer Design5
 ELECS425FComputer and Network Security5