亞太資訊及通訊科技大獎(APICTA) 2018奪取優異獎

科技學院 亞太資訊及通訊科技大獎(APICTA) 2018奪取優異獎
亞太資訊及通訊科技大獎(APICTA) 2018奪取優異獎

Oct 2018

FYP students TIAN Yujia, FAN Chiu Yin and Eric LEUNG were selected to represent Hong Kong in the Asia-Pacific ICT Awards 2018, often dubbed as “Oscars of the ICT”. They won the Merit Award in the Tertiary Student Category. The score of Merit Award Winners must be at least 95% of the Grand Prize Winner of the same category.


畢業年級同學田雨佳、范超然、梁裕豪再下一城,在「亞太資訊及通訊科技大獎 2018」–專上學生項目–奪取優異獎。(優異獎得主其分數必須在大獎得主的分數 95% 以上)

APICTA一向被譽為ICT業界的奧斯卡,作為香港代表隊之一,他們的得獎也幫助香港成為是次比賽的大贏家,共奪得 6個大獎及13個優異獎,創出歷屆最好成績。



APICTA主頁: http://www.apicta.org/