250408 tom edward chen 1 3
日期: 2025年4月8日(星期二)
語言: 廣東話

Date: 8 April 2025 (Tuesday)
5:00 pm
Lu Sin Lecture Theatre (D0309)
3/F, HKMU Jockey Club Campus
81 Chung Hau Street, Ho Man Tin, Kowloon
Language: Cantonese
Introduction of speaker
Prof. Edward K Y CHEN is a renowned economist and educator.  He currently serves as an Honorary Professor at HKMU and the Business School of The University of Hong Kong (HKU), a Fellow of the Hong Kong Academy of Finance, and Chairman of the Council of Advisers of the Hong Kong Institute for Monetary and Financial Research of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority. He is also an independent non-executive director of First Pacific Company, Delta Asia Financial Group and Wharf Holdings.   

Prof. Chen obtained his Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees from HKU, and received a Doctorate in Economics from Oxford University. Early in his career, he taught economics and served as Director of the Centre of Asian Studies at HKU. He served as President of Lingnan University in Hong Kong from 1995 to 2007, transforming the institution into a liberal arts university. He was President of Qianhai Institute for Innovative Research in Shenzhen from 2014 to 2017.  Prof. Chen has extensive experience in the public sector. He served as Chairman of the Consumer Council from 1991 to 1997, laying the foundation for a competition policy in Hong Kong. Prof. Chen was also a member of Hong Kong’s Legislative Council from 1991 to 1992 and Executive Council from 1992 to 1997.
About the talk
While there is a prolific literature on explaining the economic success of China by different contributing factors and polices, this lecture uses a broader and cross-sectional perspective to examine the rise of China as a global economic superpower in terms of the sequencing, timing and implementation of reforms, with particular emphasis on the role of township and village enterprises and the significance of new quality productive forces.
我是 I am
閣下會否出席由陳坤耀教授, GBS, CBE, JP主講之都大講堂?
Will you attend the talk by Prof. Edward K Y CHEN, GBS, CBE, JP? 
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