3 Programme Requirements

Undergraduate & Sub-degree Students Policies and Guidelines Undergraduate and Sub-degree Programmes Student Handbook 3 Programme Requirements
3 Programme Requirements

Students studying in undergraduate programmes shall observe the general and specific programme requirements prescribed by the University in order to fulfil the requirements for graduation.

1 Programme of study

1.1 Each programme of study shall define the courses which it comprises, their level and value in credits, any prerequisites or excluded combinations of courses, any special value to be assigned to courses for the purpose of classifying the degree with honours, if applicable, and the normative period of study.

1.2 The University may issue programme requirements prescribing a programme of study for any sub-degree, degree or degree with honours, and may from time to time add to, amend or discontinue such programmes.

2 Credit value and level of courses

2.1 Each course has a credit value (e.g. 5, 10 or 20 credits) and it will normally run for one or two academic terms.

2.2 The first numeric digit of the course code generally indicates the level of the course as follows:

1st numeric digit Level of course
1 Foundation: These courses have no recommended/mandatory prerequisites. They are entry level courses.
2 Middle: These courses may have recommended/mandatory prerequisites at Foundation level.
3 Higher: Normally, these courses will have recommended/mandatory prerequisites. In order to obtain a degree, a student must complete courses at this level.
4 Higher (Honours): Normally, these courses will have recommended/mandatory prerequisites and may be prescribed as part of the requirements for an Honours degree.

3 General requirements

3.1 General Education requirements

3.1.1 Purpose-designed General Education courses
First year entry students of undergraduate programmes, unless their programmes prescribe otherwise, are required to complete four 5-credit (i.e. 20 credits) purpose-designed General Education (GE) courses from four different 'fields of study' other than the same 'field(s) of study' of his/her study programme.

3.1.2 Outside-discipline courses
The honours and ordinary degree programmes shall normally require first year entry students to complete 20 and 10 credits of outside-discipline courses respectively.

3.2 English Language requirements
First-year entry students shall normally be required to complete 10 credits of English Language Enhancement courses, which may be counted towards as outside-discipline courses for certain programmes.

3.3 Maximum number of credits for Foundation level courses
To obtain a bachelor's degree, a student shall complete the prescribed number of credits from courses in the programme of study at Foundation / Middle / Higher level of which no more than 40 credits shall be taken at Foundation level for first-year entry students, unless his/her programme prescribes otherwise.

3.4 Language of instruction
Each programme of study should normally have a primary language of instruction, except for the bilingual or specially approved programmes.
Students may complete up to one-third of the total number of credits required of a study programme in the second language of instruction.

4 Programme requirements

4.1 Programme requirements prescribe the number of credits, the courses for the programme of study and the details of the honours classification for individual degree programmes, if applicable, which the student will have to comply with in order to be eligible for the award.

4.2 Students should refer to the programme requirements of his/her chosen programme of study which can be downloaded from the website of the Registry (www.ouhk.edu.hk/FT_programme_requirement).

4.3 Programme requirements are normally updated once a year, if necessary, and will be available in September. Students should ensure to check and obtain the most up-to-date version.

4.4 To obtain an academic award for the programme of study, a student shall have satisfied in full the requirements for his/her chosen undergraduate programme of study within the maximum period of study, and shall not be in debt to the University.


Modified Date: Jul 22, 2020

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