LegCo approves University Amendment Bill
OUHK to be retitled "Hong Kong Metropolitan University"

News LegCo approves University Amendment BillOUHK to be retitled "Hong Kong Metropolitan University"

LegCo approves University Amendment Bill
OUHK to be retitled "Hong Kong Metropolitan University"

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HKMU News Centre LegCo approves University Amendment Bill
OUHK to be retitled "Hong Kong Metropolitan University"

LegCo approves University Amendment Bill
OUHK to be retitled "Hong Kong Metropolitan University"


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Following the approval by the Legislative Council (LegCo) of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of “The Open University of Hong Kong (Amendment) Bill 2021” today (14 July), The Open University of Hong Kong (OUHK) will be retitled “Hong Kong Metropolitan University (香港都會大學)” effective from 1 September this year.

Over the past three decades, the OUHK has rapidly developed and evolved from primarily a distance-learning institution into a full-fledged university. The OUHK Council members and University management gathered today to celebrate the formal approval of the name change, and said they expect the new title to enhance public awareness and understanding of the University's mission, role and strategic development.

OUHK Council Chairman Michael Wong Yick-kam expressed his gratitude to various stakeholders for their staunch support for the retitling. “We are pleased to have LegCo's approval of the Amendment Bill today, allowing the OUHK to be retitled,” he said. “The launch of the new title and logo in the new academic year marks an important milestone in the University’s development. We will continue to strive for excellence and enhance the quality of our teaching and research, and contribute further to the higher education sector in Hong Kong.”

OUHK President Prof. Paul Lam Kwan-sing said, “I would like to express my sincere thanks to all members of the University community for their perseverance and steadfast commitment to providing quality education over the years. Upon retitling, we will remain firmly committed to our mission to provide our students with quality education and offer innovative programmes tailored to market trends and industry needs. At the same time, we will pursue strategic research in response to the needs of Hong Kong and beyond. We endeavour to give real meaning to our new title and make a concerted effort to bring vitality to the Hong Kong metropolis.”

About the OUHK:
Established by the Government in 1989, The Open University of Hong Kong (OUHK) has developed into a full-fledged university providing high quality and flexible university education at various levels to secondary school graduates and working adults. As a dynamic and innovative university, the OUHK currently offers programmes of different academic levels to about 10,000 full-time students and 9,000 part-time students. Our mission is to advance learning, knowledge and research that meet students’ learning aspirations and society's talent needs, focusing on practical and professional programmes.

The OUHK comprises six Schools, namely School of Arts and Social Sciences, Lee Shau Kee School of Business and Administration, School of Education and Languages, School of Nursing and Health Studies, School of Science and Technology, and Li Ka Shing School of Professional and Continuing Education (LiPACE). LiPACE provides lifelong learning opportunities by offering full-time sub-degree programmes, community learning and professional programmes.

The Council of the OUHK earlier approved the new title “Hong Kong Metropolitan University” for the University. Following the Legislative Council’s formal approval on 14 July, the new title will take effect from 1 September 2021. The new title shows the unique position of the University in metropolitan Hong Kong. It also signifies the University’s path of transformation from a modest distance education institution to a full-fledged university and reflects its unique characteristics and strategic focuses.

OUHK website: www.hkmu.edu.hk
University Retitling website: https://retitling.hkmu.edu.hk

LegCo approves the University Amendment Bill today. The OUHK will be retitled "Hong Kong Metropolitan University" effective from 1 September.

Following the approval by the Legislative Council (LegCo) of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of “The Open University of Hong Kong (Amendment) Bill 2021” today (14 July), The Open University of Hong Kong (OUHK) will be retitled “Hong Kong Metropolitan University (香港都會大學)” effective from 1 September this year.

Over the past three decades, the OUHK has rapidly developed and evolved from primarily a distance-learning institution into a full-fledged university. The OUHK Council members and University management gathered today to celebrate the formal approval of the name change, and said they expect the new title to enhance public awareness and understanding of the University's mission, role and strategic development.

OUHK Council Chairman Michael Wong Yick-kam expressed his gratitude to various stakeholders for their staunch support for the retitling. “We are pleased to have LegCo's approval of the Amendment Bill today, allowing the OUHK to be retitled,” he said. “The launch of the new title and logo in the new academic year marks an important milestone in the University’s development. We will continue to strive for excellence and enhance the quality of our teaching and research, and contribute further to the higher education sector in Hong Kong.”

OUHK President Prof. Paul Lam Kwan-sing said, “I would like to express my sincere thanks to all members of the University community for their perseverance and steadfast commitment to providing quality education over the years. Upon retitling, we will remain firmly committed to our mission to provide our students with quality education and offer innovative programmes tailored to market trends and industry needs. At the same time, we will pursue strategic research in response to the needs of Hong Kong and beyond. We endeavour to give real meaning to our new title and make a concerted effort to bring vitality to the Hong Kong metropolis.”

About the OUHK:
Established by the Government in 1989, The Open University of Hong Kong (OUHK) has developed into a full-fledged university providing high quality and flexible university education at various levels to secondary school graduates and working adults. As a dynamic and innovative university, the OUHK currently offers programmes of different academic levels to about 10,000 full-time students and 9,000 part-time students. Our mission is to advance learning, knowledge and research that meet students’ learning aspirations and society's talent needs, focusing on practical and professional programmes.

The OUHK comprises six Schools, namely School of Arts and Social Sciences, Lee Shau Kee School of Business and Administration, School of Education and Languages, School of Nursing and Health Studies, School of Science and Technology, and Li Ka Shing School of Professional and Continuing Education (LiPACE). LiPACE provides lifelong learning opportunities by offering full-time sub-degree programmes, community learning and professional programmes.

The Council of the OUHK earlier approved the new title “Hong Kong Metropolitan University” for the University. Following the Legislative Council’s formal approval on 14 July, the new title will take effect from 1 September 2021. The new title shows the unique position of the University in metropolitan Hong Kong. It also signifies the University’s path of transformation from a modest distance education institution to a full-fledged university and reflects its unique characteristics and strategic focuses.

OUHK website: www.hkmu.edu.hk
University Retitling website: https://retitling.hkmu.edu.hk








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