Cinematic Design & Photographic Digital Art student scoops three awards in environmental design competition

News Cinematic Design & Photographic Digital Art student scoops three awards in environmental design competition

Cinematic Design & Photographic Digital Art student scoops three awards in environmental design competition

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HKMU News Centre Cinematic Design & Photographic Digital Art student scoops three awards in environmental design competition

Cinematic Design & Photographic Digital Art student scoops three awards in environmental design competition


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Cinematic Design & Photographic Digital Art student scoops three awards in environmental design competition

Awardee :
LAU Nga-yim Tina

Bachelor of Fine Arts with Honours in Cinematic Design and Photographic Digital Art

Competition :
Environmental Design Competition 2019 — The Green Sense organized by the Graphic Arts Association of Hong Kong

Winning Piece:
"I am not a Poster"

The Champion of 3D Design
The Environmental Award
The Judges Award

Raising one's green sense may help explore the possibility of living green. Inspired by the concept of turning every single paper into usable paper products, a Year 2 student Lau Nga-yim Tina from the Cinematic Design and Photographic Digital Art programme designed a creative artwork which is not only a poster, but also a nice and useful packaging. Tina thought out of the box and got creative with her imagination, making proper use of the recycled materials for upcycling. The application of environmental materials, creativity and attractive appearance of her winning piece won online support and received affirmation from the judging panel, which consists of professional local designers and representative from various organizations. Finally, her work has edged out the competition and scooped three accolades.

Cinematic Design & Photographic Digital Art student scoops three awards in environmental design competition

Awardee :
LAU Nga-yim Tina

Bachelor of Fine Arts with Honours in Cinematic Design and Photographic Digital Art

Competition :
Environmental Design Competition 2019 — The Green Sense organized by the Graphic Arts Association of Hong Kong

Winning Piece:
"I am not a Poster"

The Champion of 3D Design
The Environmental Award
The Judges Award

Raising one's green sense may help explore the possibility of living green. Inspired by the concept of turning every single paper into usable paper products, a Year 2 student Lau Nga-yim Tina from the Cinematic Design and Photographic Digital Art programme designed a creative artwork which is not only a poster, but also a nice and useful packaging. Tina thought out of the box and got creative with her imagination, making proper use of the recycled materials for upcycling. The application of environmental materials, creativity and attractive appearance of her winning piece won online support and received affirmation from the judging panel, which consists of professional local designers and representative from various organizations. Finally, her work has edged out the competition and scooped three accolades.








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