Education and languages students win awards in the outstanding prospective teachers award

News Education and languages students win awards in the outstanding prospective teachers award

Education and languages students win awards in the outstanding prospective teachers award

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HKMU News Centre Education and languages students win awards in the outstanding prospective teachers award

Education and languages students win awards in the outstanding prospective teachers award


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Awardees and Programmes:
YAU Hiu-jun, Bachelor of Education with Honours in English Language Teaching and Bachelor of English Language Studies with Honours
LAU Ka-ki, Bachelor of Education with Honours (Chinese Language Teaching) and Bachelor of Language Studies with Honours (Applied Chinese Language Studies)

The 9th Hong Kong Outstanding Prospective Teachers Award

Silver Award – Yau Hiu-jun
Merit Award – Lau Ka-ki

Yau Hiu-jun and Lau Ka-ki, year 4 and year 3 students from the School of Education and Languages, participated in the 9th Hong Kong Outstanding Prospective Teachers Award, which is co-organized by the Hong Kong Prospective Teachers Association and the Hong Kong New Generation Cultural Association. After passing multiple rounds of assessments and the selection interviews, they finally received a silver and merit award respectively with their outstanding performance.

The Hong Kong Outstanding Prospective Teachers Award aims to recognize prospective teachers who have good teaching ability and a passion for education, to encourage them to strive for excellence and to provide them with the exchange opportunities. This year, a total of 116 prospective teachers from six local universities participated in this competition, and 10 of them were HKMU students. Apart from the two awarded students, the remaining were shortlisted and awarded a certificate.

Awardees and Programmes:
YAU Hiu-jun, Bachelor of Education with Honours in English Language Teaching and Bachelor of English Language Studies with Honours
LAU Ka-ki, Bachelor of Education with Honours (Chinese Language Teaching) and Bachelor of Language Studies with Honours (Applied Chinese Language Studies)

The 9th Hong Kong Outstanding Prospective Teachers Award

Silver Award – Yau Hiu-jun
Merit Award – Lau Ka-ki

Yau Hiu-jun and Lau Ka-ki, year 4 and year 3 students from the School of Education and Languages, participated in the 9th Hong Kong Outstanding Prospective Teachers Award, which is co-organized by the Hong Kong Prospective Teachers Association and the Hong Kong New Generation Cultural Association. After passing multiple rounds of assessments and the selection interviews, they finally received a silver and merit award respectively with their outstanding performance.

The Hong Kong Outstanding Prospective Teachers Award aims to recognize prospective teachers who have good teaching ability and a passion for education, to encourage them to strive for excellence and to provide them with the exchange opportunities. This year, a total of 116 prospective teachers from six local universities participated in this competition, and 10 of them were HKMU students. Apart from the two awarded students, the remaining were shortlisted and awarded a certificate.








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