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HKMU News Centre Awards & Prizes

Awards & Prizes

3 May 2024

HKMU Tower Crane Safety Monitoring and Management System wins Silver Medal at Geneva invention exhibition

A Sensor-based Tower Crane Safety Monitoring and Management System, the latest invention by the Department of Construction and Quality Management of the School of Science and Technology, has been presented with a Silver Medal at the 49th International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva....

24 Apr 2024

HKMU named Caring School

HKMU was given the JC VOLUNTEER TOGETHER Caring School label for 2023 under Hong Kong Volunteer Award, an award scheme co-organised by the Home and Youth Affairs Bureau and the Agency for Volunteer Service. This was awarded in recognition of our students' contribution to the community under the Student Affairs Office (SAO)'s service-learning initiatives, which translated into a total of 7,207 service hours during the year....

5 Apr 2024

Dr Benson Tong of School of Arts and Social Sciences gets excellence award at international competition in modern Chinese poetry

Dr Benson Tong Tsz-ben, an Assistant Professor of the School of Arts and Social Sciences, earlier participated in an international competition of modern Chinese poetry organised by the International Contemporary Chinese Poetry Study Association. The competition attracted submissions from Mainland, Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan, Japan, Europe and the United States. After an anonymous evaluation by professional judges, Dr Benson Tong's poem “Sea Spray" was recognised by receiving the Award of Excellence...

6 Feb 2024

Short story by Dr Shawn Shao of Department of Creative Arts listed among good works of the year

Dr Shawn Shao Dong, Acting Head of Creative Arts and Assistant Professor at the School of Arts and Social Sciences, has once again received academic recognition for his literary work following the critical acclaim for his short story collection, Air Guitar. His short fiction piece, “Chinese Paddlefish”, made the list of “Good Works by Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau and Overseas Chinese Writers 2023”, a selection by the Research Institute for Literature by Taiwan, Hong Kong and Overseas Chinese Writers of short stories, novellas, novels, poetry and prose published in mainland China during the year. Starting from 2021, the Institute has selected 10 outstanding pieces for each of the mentioned categories every year with the aim of fostering public and academic interest in Chinese literary works by writers residing outside mainland China. Dr Shao had another story, “The Story of Yu Lan” shortlisted last year....

31 Jan 2024

School of Nursing and Health Studies receives volunteer service award for promoting HA Go app

From May to September 2023, the School of Nursing and Health Studies (N&HS) collaborated with the Health Resource Centre of the Prince of Wales Hospital for a “HA Go” Ambassador Service Programme aimed at encouraging patients to install the mobile app “HA Go”, which connects patients beyond hospital care and enables patients to manage their own health. Around 420 Year 1 Bachelor of Nursing with Honours in General Health Care students participated in the programme....

7 Dec 2023

A further accolade for SOL Dean in open education

Dr Li Kam Cheong, Dean of the School of Open Learning (SOL), has just been awarded the Prize of Excellence by the International Council for Open and Distance Education (ICDE), after receiving in September this year the most prestigious prize from the Asian Association of Open Universities: Meritorious Service Award...

7 Dec 2023

Dr Benson Tong of School of Arts and Social Sciences recognised for research work on sinology and creative writing

Dr Benson Tong Tsz-ben of the School of Arts and Social Science has recently received two paper awards in a row. The first one was a Young Scholar Award for his work presented at the 14th International Conference on Sinological Research of East Asia, titled “A Research and Analysis of the Biography Writing of Wang Anshi in Modern China and Its Historical Memories and Individual Consciousness”...

7 Dec 2023

Creative Writing Assistant Professor Dr Shao Dong's work selected in the final list of Blancpain-Imaginist Literary Prize

Dr Shawn Shao Dong, Assistant Professor in the School of Arts and Social Sciences and Acting Head of Creative Arts, published his first short story collection, Air Guitar (空氣吉他), last summer. Since then, the work has won much critical acclaim...

12 Oct 2023

Dean of School of Open Learning bestowed Meritorious Service Award by Asian Association of Open Universities

Dr Li Kam-cheong, Dean of the School of Open Learning (SOL), received the Meritorious Service Award 2023 from the Asian Association of Open Universities (AAOU) in recognition of his outstanding services and contributions to open and distance education....

13 Jun 2023

Collaborative project of School of Science and Technology Assistant Professor recognised at Geneva inventions exhibition

Dr Juan Carlos Astudillo Placencia, Assistant Professor at the School of Science and Technology, has collaborated with researchers from other universities to conduct an innovation project, “Eco-Tiles for Enhancing Marine Biodiversity”....






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