News Centre


19 Apr 2021

OUHK Nursing Skills Education Unit Named after Mr Siu Ming and Mrs Siu Tsang Fung-kwan

The Open University of Hong Kong (OUHK) held the naming ceremony of Siu Ming & Tsang Fung Kwan Nursing Skills Education Unit today (19 April)...

19 Apr 2021

OUHK website wins Triple Gold Award at Web Accessibility Recognition Scheme

The Open University of Hong Kong's website has received a Triple Gold Award at the Web Accessibility Recognition Scheme. Since 2018, the scheme has been organized...

19 Apr 2021

A Master's student in Chinese Literature receives an award in Literary Competition

The Annual Literary Award of Mountain Gongga was launched by the Federation of Literary and Art Circles of Ganzi Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture and literary magazine Mountain Gongga. Student ZHANG Yuan of the Master of Arts in Chinese Literature programme was awarded the Annual Literary Award in the category of poetry with his work “張元的詩”....

16 Apr 2021

OUHK Organises Virtual Career Fair

The Student Affairs Office of The Open University of Hong Kong (OUHK) organized a Virtual Career Fair 2021 (the Fair) from 13 to 15 April,...

16 Apr 2021

Council Chairman and President meet with the media

Prof. Paul Lam Kwan-sing assumed office as President of the OUHK on 1 April 2021. Taking this opportunity, Council Chairman of the OUHK, Mr Michael Wong...

23 Mar 2021

OU Hosts President's Cup Basketball Invitational Competition

The President of The Open University of Hong Kong Prof. Yuk-Shan Wong has been supporting the University to organize various types of sports activities, aiming to...

22 Mar 2021

Retiring President Prof. Yuk-Shan Wong shares his memorable moments with the media

The President of The Open University of Hong Kong Prof. Yuk-Shan Wong will soon retire after serving the University for 7 years. Prof. Wong met with...

17 Mar 2021

Business students win Championship in HSBC/HKU Hong Kong Business Case Competition

The 2021 HSBC/HKU Hong Kong Business Case Competition of this year encourages students to combine business thinking and sustainable development strategies to promote the reduction of drinking bottled water in the community, in order to achieve reduction at source. Students are required to work on a case study and prepare a slide deck within six hours. The judging panel consisted of senior executives from HSBC and other companies will raise questions after the presentation....

12 Mar 2021

Nursing student receives 'For Our Future' Scholarship

'For Our Future' Scholarship was established by the Greater Bay Area Homeland Youth Community Foundation last year, aiming to recognize and encourage local university students who have excellent performance in their academic studies, diverse development and community services. The ideas, life goals and future plans shared by the nursing student Hui Hei-ting have impressed the judges, which made her stand out from over 270 applicants and became one of the 15 awardees....






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