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HKMU News Centre Social Responsibility & Sustainability

Social Responsibility & Sustainability

12 Jun 2024

HKMU study reveals low public understanding of “surplus food” at 7.2%; urges stronger promotion of a food-wise culture

A recent study conducted by Hong Kong Metropolitan University (HKMU) revealed that public understanding of “surplus food” is generally lacking, with only 7.2% of respondents accurately understanding its definition as unexpired and safe-to-eat leftover food. The survey also found a low participation rate in surplus food donations among the public, highlighting the need for increased awareness and education efforts across society......

24 May 2024

School of Arts and Social Sciences invites Secretary for Housing to discuss housing and home purchases with HKMU students

Hong Kong Metropolitan University's (HKMU) School of Arts and Social Sciences Public and Social Policy Research Centre and Think Tank New Era Governance Research Centre (NEGRC) jointly organised a forum on 16 May with the theme of facilitating property purchases for young people. Secretary for Housing Winnie Ho Wing-yin and other guests introduced the Government's housing policies and exchanged views with HKMU students on housing and home purchase issues....

24 Apr 2024

HKMU named Caring School

HKMU was given the JC VOLUNTEER TOGETHER Caring School label for 2023 under Hong Kong Volunteer Award, an award scheme co-organised by the Home and Youth Affairs Bureau and the Agency for Volunteer Service. This was awarded in recognition of our students' contribution to the community under the Student Affairs Office (SAO)'s service-learning initiatives, which translated into a total of 7,207 service hours during the year....

31 Jan 2024

School of Nursing and Health Studies receives volunteer service award for promoting HA Go app

From May to September 2023, the School of Nursing and Health Studies (N&HS) collaborated with the Health Resource Centre of the Prince of Wales Hospital for a “HA Go” Ambassador Service Programme aimed at encouraging patients to install the mobile app “HA Go”, which connects patients beyond hospital care and enables patients to manage their own health. Around 420 Year 1 Bachelor of Nursing with Honours in General Health Care students participated in the programme....

31 Jan 2024

Elite business student team shines in community fundraising event

Apart from excelling in major business case competitions, A-Team students of the HKMU Business School are also known for their versatility, community spirit and commitment to achieving the best. On 14 January 2024, they took part enthusiastically in the ACCA Community Day, the association's flagship fundraising event in support of local charitable organisations. The annual event is distinguished by a signature rickshaw race, and the theme of 2024 was “120 Years of Impact: Run Ahead to a Sustainable Future”....

22 Aug 2023

HKMU and HKLSS conduct a study on dementia risks to encourage healthy diet among lower-educated groups and enhance public education

With the global ageing population, including that in Hong Kong, the well-being of older adults has emerged as a significant social issue. The prevalence of common illnesses among older adults, particularly dementia, is a major societal concern....

7 Jun 2023

HKMU research finds Jockey Club Support Service for the Children of Disabled Parents 2.0 effective in improving communication and social interactions for disabled parents and their children

The Public and Social Policy Research Centre, under the School of Arts and Social Sciences of Hong Kong Metropolitan University (HKMU), is commissioned by the Hong Kong Network for the Promotion of Inclusive Society (HKNPIS) to evaluate the effectiveness of its Jockey Club Support Service for the Children of Disabled Parents 2.0 scheme....

23 May 2023

HKMU students become "buddies" with people with intellectual disabilities to promote inclusion

Making friends may not be an easy task for most people with intellectual disabilities, so students from Hong Kong Metropolitan University (HKMU) warmly extended a hand of friendship and brought laughter and care to them by becoming their "Best Buddies"...

16 Nov 2022

Business student wins recognition in community intern programme

Natalie Chong Ling-hei, Year 2 student of Bachelor of Business Administration with Honours in Professional Accounting, participated in the Citi-HKCSS Community Intern Program 2022 and worked as intern at the social enterprise Silence. She assisted in organising various...

21 Oct 2022

Language barrier and financial difficulties are obstacles to maintaining quality of life among ethnic minority older adults in Hong Kong, HKMU researchers find

A recent study by HKMU revealed that the quality of life of South Asian older adults in Hong Kong is negatively affected by language barrier and financial difficulties. Family obligations, religious beliefs and cultural perspectives play an important part in their old age experience in Hong Kong. HKMU scholar suggested that the Government should enhance education on physical and mental health for the South Asian community, investigate the needs and concerns of caregivers of the older adults, and promote the ethnic minority neighbourhood support scheme....






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