News Centre

HKMU News Centre Science & Technology

Science & Technology

24 Aug 2022

School of Science and Technology signed two agreements to foster the development of innovative technology and to provide internship opportunities for students

Last month, the School of Science and Technology (the School) signed two agreements with Electrical and Mechanical Services Department (EMSD) and Hong Yip Service Limited (Hong Yip) respectively. The...

29 Jun 2022

HKMU signs MOU with CMA Industrial Development Foundation Limited
to foster the sustainable development of the testing and certification industry

The School of Science and Technology of Hong Kong Metropolitan University (HKMU) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with CMA Industrial Development Foundation Limited (CMA...

19 May 2022

Probiotics proved to enhance fish growth performance

A research team of the School of Science and Technology has found that using a common probiotic bacterium, Lactobacillus Rhamnosus strain GG (LGG), as the feed supplement for cultivation of mud carp fingerling can improve the growth performance of the fish and enhance its resistance against the infection of pathogenic bacterial Aeromonas hydrophila....

12 Apr 2022

New anti-virus technology developed

Partnering with a start-up company, HKMU discovers that strong positively polar polymeric filter can effectively arrest and inactivate viruses and bacteria including the SAR-Cov-2 virus in a short period of time. This technology can be applied to medical and other daily use products to protect public health....

12 Apr 2022

Secretary for Innovation and Technology visits HKMU

Secretary for Innovation and Technology Mr Alfred Sit Wing-hang visited Hong Kong Metropolitan University (HKMU) today (12 April) to learn about the recent research achievements...

6 Dec 2021

HKMU signs Memorandum of Intent with Hong Kong Institute of Construction to foster academic collaboration

Hong Kong Metropolitan University (HKMU) signed a Memorandum of Intent (MOI) with Hong Kong Institute of Construction (HKIC) of Construction Industry Council (CIC) today (6...

22 Nov 2021

HKMU launches new scheme to provide free tutorial service for grassroots students

Hong Kong Metropolitan University and the Cheerful Hands jointly launched the first university-based free tutorial services, "HKMU Free Tutorial Services", for primary and secondary students from...

21 Sep 2021

The latest top-funded RGC projects

In the latest round of the Competitive Research Funding Schemes for the Local Self-financing Degree Sector of the Research Grants Council, HKMU has achieved pleasing results in the Scheme, and has been granted research funding of over HK$16.1 million for eighteen projects....

3 Sep 2021

Experts discuss latest work in coastal wetland research and management in seminar

The University’s School of Science and Technology has a strong track record in wetland research, and back in 2019, it received an extra impetus from the...






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