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HKMU News Centre Awards & Prizes

Awards & Prizes

7 Jul 2021

OUHK receives recognition in promoting campus wellness

The OUHK is awarded Exercise is Medicine® On Campus - Bronze Campus 2021 in recognition of the University’s effort to enhance health and fitness amongst students...

3 Jun 2021

New OUHK Jockey Club Institute of Healthcare video wins international gold award

Soon after its launch, the creative promotional video of the OUHK Jockey Club Institute of Healthcare won the 2021 QUESTAR Gold Award under the category of...

7 May 2021

OU receives environmental protection certificate and award

Main campus of the OUHK has awarded the Wastewi$e Certificate of Excellence Level by the Environmental Campaign Committee in recognition of the University’s substantial achievements in...

22 Apr 2021

OU Scholar wins gold medal in international innovation and invention competition

Awardee: Dr Walter NG Wing-shui School: School of Science and Technology...

20 Apr 2021

School of Nursing and Health Studies Wins an award in the Age-Friendly City Appreciation Scheme

OU nursing students designed a series of home-based exercise for those elderly who are unable to walk and need to stay home. Students also promoted the...

19 Apr 2021

OUHK website wins Triple Gold Award at Web Accessibility Recognition Scheme

The Open University of Hong Kong's website has received a Triple Gold Award at the Web Accessibility Recognition Scheme. Since 2018, the scheme has been organized...

9 Feb 2021

OU scholars receive Outstanding Paper Award in 2020 Emerald Literati Awards

Awardees: Dr CHIU Wei-sheng Mr CHOW Kin-fung School: Lee Shau...

20 Nov 2020

Three OU scholars receive awards at the International Conference on Creative Writing in Chinese

Conference: The 6th International Conference on Creative Writing in Chinese School: School of...

26 Jun 2020

OUHK 30 Years of Education and Innovation Video seizes Grand Award in global competition

The University’s video titled ‘OUHK 30 Years of Education and Innovation’ hit a winning streak in 2020 Questar Awards. It has achieved the Grand Award under...






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