News Centre


19 Jan 2021

The OUHK announces the appointment of Prof. Ricky Kwok Yu-Kwong as Vice President (Students & Support)

The Open University of Hong Kong (OUHK) announced the appointment of Prof. Ricky Kwok Yu-Kwong as Vice President (Students & Support) with effect from 1...

18 Jan 2021

OUHK invites creative talents for a new logo design for its new title

The Council of The Open University of Hong Kong (OUHK) has approved the new title 'Hong Kong Metropolitan University' (香港都會大學) for the University and the...

8 Jan 2021

Grand Opening of OUHK Jockey Club Institute of Healthcare
unveils advanced facilities to enrich students' learning experience

In face of challenges brought by an ageing population and the growing demand on healthcare services in Hong Kong, The Open University of Hong Kong...

21 Dec 2020

創作動畫活現中華禮樂文化 (in Chinese)

香港公開大學(公大)田家炳中華文化中心(中心)一直致力弘揚中華文化,去年開始與清華大學中國經學研究院(研究院)合作,開展「中華禮儀動畫化計劃」,招募對中華文化感興趣的公大人文社會科學院創意藝術學系學生,由清華大學中國經學研究院院長彭林教授擔任顧問,創作一系列中華禮儀動畫,以迎合年青人的方式宣傳源遠流長的中國禮樂文化。 中心於上周四(十二月十七日)舉行「彭林教授學術講座暨中華禮儀動畫化計劃開幕禮」,並由人文社會科學院院長鄺志良教授及中國經學研究院院長彭林教授代表簽訂合作備忘錄。是次合作除了令學生學習到傳統禮儀,也讓他們的創意得到發揮。他們所創作的中華禮儀動畫,既能推廣禮學教育,又能達到文化傳承之效。 ...

18 Dec 2020

Computing students win awards in the cybersecurity competition

Computing students win awards in the cybersecurity competition Awardees and Awards :...

18 Dec 2020

Computing graduates win awards in the competition with their Final Year Projects

Computing graduates win awards in the competition with their Final Year Projects Awardees and Awards:...

16 Dec 2020

Finance student wins the Championship in Ethics Essay Competition

Finance student wins the Championship in Ethics Essay Competition Awardee :...

11 Dec 2020

OUHK Council approves the new title of the University

The Open University of Hong Kong (OUHK) has earlier invited suggestions from all members of the OUHK community and the public for a more appropriate...

1 Dec 2020

Business students seize the Championship and the 2nd Runner-up in the Securities & Investment Elites Competition

Business students seize the Championship and the 2 nd Runner-up in the Securities & Investment Elites Competition...

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